Chat with aliens

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A guard had my son while with Wyatt

"I can't believe we're having aliens here oh it feels like home."

"You don't think they'll stick around right?" Wyatt asked

"Why not?"

"Babe come on aliens on earth."

"Wyatt please if humans can accept zombies, mummies and werewolves then why not aliens i for one always wanted to raise pharaoh amongst his own and humans in harmony."

"You know for a princess you do have a heart of gold babe."

"That's why I'm the ghoul of the people my love." He hugs me as we bunny kissed then we began to walk when aliens came over

"We have many advancements to share with your primitive people. We even created a digestible bacterial fermentation of lactose at sub-zero stasis."


"Froyo? Yeah, we got that too."


"If you're here to invade Seabrook, our pack won't go down without a fight. "

"We do not want your one-star planet. They are so emotional."

"Yes, but when in Seabrook, I'm going to disengage our emotional suppressors. Personally, I'm excited to see what emotions feel like." And when she does

"Excited! That's an emotion. It feels so exciting."

"We've decided to let you stay until after the cheer competition, but not a day later."

"Thank you, Mayor. We are honored to join your cheer competition."

"What is cheer?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'll show you later."

"Also, what is competition?"

"When you challenge others to prove you're the best." I said with confidence smirking

"No, we are a harmonious people. We do not compete amongst ourselves. Although, that is an intriguing concept, is it not?"

"Hi, I'm Zed. Zombie, football star. Generally well-liked."

"Well, I am A-lan. Extraterrestrial."

"Hey, the haters say I'm a little extra too."

"Oh, competition."

"No, it's just a handshake." And he gets zapped

"Okay. Did I win?"

"No, you did not win."

"Apologies. Our people have a special stardust spark. That some lesser species may find painful."

"Okay these aliens are asking for a curse." I said softly then smiled

"Welcome to Seabrook."

Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now