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"This way!" Wyatt takes my hand and we were trying to get out of the school while we run the hallway cracked in two

"The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line."


'If we follow this crack, it may lead us to the moonstone." I said straightforward

"So it's only buried and not destroyed." The ground started shaking Wyatt held me tightly

"We have to get to it." He goes with the wolves which worried me we go after them

Wyatt POV 🐾

I followed Willa and wynter to the moonstone

"We have to get to it."

"Quickly, while we still can."

"It's this way. I see the light. It's coming from Seabrook Power." Walking threw carefully we spot it

"Here it is!" We take off our stones places them on the moonstone so they can charge and once full we put them on and felt we energied but we were still not out the woods yet

"We have to move it out of here."

"Legend says that together, our pack can move the stone."

"All of us, lift!" We tried

"It's too heavy."

"There's not enough of us."

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack." We see the others


"We came here to help." Aphrodite came to my side

"Come on, everyone. We got this!"


"Hurry, before it's too late! Together lift!" But a slab covered our only route out

"Chamber's collapsed. We can't carry the moonstone through."

"Your Z-band, it's still broken. Zed, take it off. Lift the slab. Okay, Zed, you can do this."

"I'm not ready. What if I can't control it?"


"Zed, you have to." Aphrodite told him


"Come on, you can do this." which he does and with his strength we carrie the moonstone out but then

"Oh, no!" We see the slab closed on Zed


Her monsterous love story (Descendants X Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)Where stories live. Discover now