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A/N : this will play in modern time since the MV concept isnt only him being a King but he can control time, that why i made them Vampires in this story, thats also why Iˋll let it be in the modern time.
I got the idea for the story line before falling asleep a few months ago soo yeah. I hope yall enjoy it.
Have a nice day, evening, night. <3) and this will be more then one part since I have too many ideas for the storyline

Y/N Pov.
Today was the day were our class will be on a school trip to a old castle.
Iˋm really interestet in it, since Iˋve been reaserching about it a lot and I want to see if i can find any clues that would show that the Myths are true or at least some of them. " hey Y/N?" I looked up to see brian " Hey Brian whats up?" "sooo I know that your interestet in this castle so i asked my dad to do some deeper reaserch and you wont believe what he found" I took my backpack of the seat next to me and he sat down. " What did he find?" he gave me a Letter, I first looked at him confused but he just smiled at me so i took it and opened up.

"He found out that the King looks exactly like todays owner. Which is very much impossiple because over a thausends of years there should have been at least a little change in his looks but it isnt .... there is no change he looks exactly like every portait of the last king and then i told my dad that you found out theres a myth that he was a Vampire and his friends too right?" I nodded " And my dad then called a friend that lives in the town where the castle is who has old letters of the royal family. and this one could be the proof that your right about it. We just need to find the room that is described in the letter."
We did read the letter and talked about the room and myths the rest of the bus ride.

When we arived we all got split up in teams of each 2 people and luckily me and brian got in one.
we were alowed to walk around alone aslong as we didnt destroy anything.
So me and brian are currently in the hallway where the room should be. Only problem we shouldnt be here because that is already the private area of the castle but we were to curious to care about that right now.
"There" brain whispered This is the door that is described in the letter "If theres the strais behind the door iˋll def. go down because i really wanna see if you are right about all the myths" I nodded and slowly opend the door and to our surprise there where stairs that went down "Oh my god..." we both breath out in relive but "Yes the teacher said that there are 2 students missing we need to find them" we looked at each other shooked and just went down the stairs carfully closing the door and silantly walking down the stairs "btw. brain im thankful that you came with me" He stopped shortly before we were complitly down the strairs "of course your my bestie and ill always be by your side yk. You do it for me all the time so ill def do the same" I smiled and then we walked into another hallway "Ok now we just need to go to the end of the hallway" brain nodded. and we began to walk.
After a longer walk then espected we came finally to the door that we searched the whole time.
We both stopped and tried to calm down our excitement because if we didnt find what we hoped for we would be really disappointed.
"Do you want to open the door?" Brian asked, I looked at him "Yes but iˋm nervous" he put a hand on my shoulder and smiled "should we do it together then?" I nodded and whit that we both pushed the door open.
I stepped inside the room and "Whoa thats a really pretty room..." I whispered "Yes your right.... look theres the portait i told you about" I looked at the other side of the room where brian had pointed and i couldn't believe my eyes... The Painting really looks exactly like the offspring of the now a days owner.
"Holy shit..." I breathed out. Brian looked aroundthe room and found a small cest, probably one of these where the Letters are stored in. "Maybe we'll finde something in here that proofs the Mythes." He said and handed me the small Chest. Before i could open it we heared footsteps fastly walking towards the room "Oh shit we need to hide now" I whisper yelled, placed the chest back and pulled Brian to the second door.
As I opened it we saw that it lead into the garden where we were suppost to meetwith our teacher. We closed the door and ran to our class. We luckily haven't been caught and just went between the other students. A few minutes passed and the teacher saw us "Where have you two been?" she yelled "I'm very sorry miss Miller but both of them where here the whole time. We tried to tell you but we could find a way telling you without being unfriendly." Jesse said, while the guards also came hearing everything Jesse said. To say at least that they were pissed is an understandment.
"W-what ? but i havent seen them... OK Im very sorry for my overreacting" //Im soo lucky that we are a bigger class where every one has eachothers back damn that could have ended diffrently// I shot Jesse a thanking look which he just smiled at. The Teacher wanted to say something else when the Owner of the Castle arrived and look at all of us. His gaze lingered longer on me then I would have liked but he didn't say anything. Brian and I looked at each other to see if we both saw the same thing. No one dared to talk.
"So I got notice of what happend and as I can see and judging from what I have heard there has never been a Problem?" It came out as a question which our Teacher just nodded at and lowerd her gaze to the floor.
"Ok since everything is right now, I can finally anaunce that I have descided that you all are Invided to our Ball Tomorrow night." There was shook written over all our faces, that was the last thing we expected after what had happened.
"So for those who dont want to go you are allowed to leave now, everyone else stays." Our nerdy students left and went to the bus that would bring them back to our hotel. The rest stayed. "Ok now that only the people are here that want to go on the Ball, you'll get your Invitation and a Letter where all Informations you need to know about the Ball and the other events tomorrow are written in" Each of us got 2 Letters one more Fancy looking then the other. I assume that the one with the gold on it is the Invitation and the other is with all Informations. "Good does everyone have the two Letters ?" we all nodded and with that he let us of the hook for today to explore the Town and get Outfits for Tomorrow night.

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