31 3 0

I woke up feeling weird. I looked around and found Louis helping the Maids prepare breakfast. "Ah your awake, your Majesty."I looked at her confused. "Wh-" before I could finish Louis spoke up "I told you to explain everything before you call her that "I looked around between them "I forgot, I'm sorry" she bowed slightly embaressed "Mujin couldn't keep his mouth shut "Louis rubbed is temples" he literally told everyone in the castle about our plans " My mouth was still slightly open but nodded. Ok I have to get used to that I my thoughts swirled around "You hungry." Louis laught at my flabergasted stage. "Yes" I still awnserd him As soon as the maids were out the door his face became worried "Is everything alright?" I looked at him, he let out a heavy sight" You will learn today night why everyone of us still looks exactly like the old paintings in the castle" I was silent for a moment."Are you vampires?" I was serious, he looked at me for the first time since the Maids left. If I would have still be eating that moment I would have propably chocked. As eyes event his usual merald brown they were red Glowing stood si ti he slowly walked towards me, I still didn't move."can1?" He had his arms strecked out. I slowly came back and just hugged him, which of course he was first shocked from but that only lasted for a few seconds till be hugged me back. „believe, meld never hurt you onPorpuse" If we wouldn't have hugged, I wouldn't have heard him. We stayed like that for awhile longer, till he needed to go to talk with Dann.

Unknown PoV.
"Sir, she knows that they are Vampires." someone huffed. „Good that I have a plan be, If she doesn't leave him out of fear
she'll defenitly to protect him" laugher were heard trough the halls. „Lets get to work the faster I get her, the faster I can revange my father"" of course your evilness "the smaller one of the two men bowed and left. "Lets see who'll win this time"

I felt a sting in my chest, my eyes widden // They know // I ran down the halls" Louis!" I screamd. A door swung open
"YN what is wrong?" 3 worried pair of eyes looked at me. I stopped infront of them and tried to catch my breath. "YIN?" "I they know" I panted. "Who knows what?" Ivan asked. "You know what we found out about my powers. I felt a really bad sting in my heart ..." all of them looked al me now shocked "they want to get you to threaten me to come to them myself" "What?" Dann was now famming in anger" and the dream with the sword, they are the ones who have it" "Jaehyun ..." Dann mumbled. "Ok, we need to keep you both away from everyone, till we know who gives away the informations." Louis and I both looked at Dawn shocked. "We can't just not go to the Ball ... it's tomorow ..." Louis said and I nodded In agreement. Dann took a deep breath "You'll need to stay together the whole time and two of us will also stay at your side ..." he stopped for a moment "We can't risk
anything." We both agreed, he had a point, would they get one of us alone we would be in much danger.

Jaehyun PoV.

"We have either to get her alone at the Ball or him. "I nodded "We have them thinking now that we want to get him, which is good because they'll more look after him then her. " Ipaused "And I have a plan how we can distract the guards and one of them. We'll get one of them thats for sure." 11 And I can finally revenge my father... He took what was the most important to me, so I'll take his III smirked" Now get to work and make sure everything goes after plan" the smaller Servant bowed and went to work. „He'll pay for everything he did, so you can finally be proud of me"I looked at the sky "Just wait a bit longer

Time ship Next Day Lunchtime:

Louis POV

I walked with Y/N into the garden where we would have Lunch We haven't really talked much today mostly because I was in thoughts „Are you ok?" her voice was soft. "Mhm" I looked up to see that she had stopped eating, and was looking at me."There is cleary something bothering you ... Is it because of tonight?"I nodded "It's really risky and I don't want anything to happen-" she stood up which made me stop my rambling, I turned in my chair, looking up at her. She took my face in her hands "We will make it through the night without any harm. Ok?" She meant it. Her voice was stable. I took her hands from my face and pulled her into my lap. She gasped and blushed. // cute// "promise me that you'll be careful." She nodded
and leant her head against my shoulder and closed her eyes. // I will protect you// I looked up watching some birds fly around.
„I really hope your right" I whispered and tucked some hair behind her ear. The sky became clouded which I took as a sign to go inside. I called the Maids to get everything inside and took Y/N with me. We both didn't get much sleep last night, trying to come up with something that nothing will happen later.... I laid her in bed and sat down next to her. I looked at her and sighted. „What are you doing with me? Mh?" Someone knocked „Louis are you in here?" It was Hwon. „Yes come in but be quiet" He silently walked it, and closed the door behind him. He sat down on the Chair in front of me. „ Are you ok?" I nodded.
„You don't look like it" „I'm worried, I have a really bad feeling about the Ball...." Hwon nodded. „I understand you but you only need to stay for the opening then both of you could basically go." „Yes I know but that would also be to obvious" Hwon agreed.
„Your right.." He looked around the room „We all decided that its better for us all to stay with you so you'll have more then one around you even if you two are not together" I looked up from my hands „Wait but then you-„ „We all are sure about it don't worry and we'll have more balls in future so we can enjoy those then" I nodded „Ok, I just hope everything will be fine..."„we'll make sure of it don't worry to much" We both kept talking a bit till Ivan came to get him because he apparently hadn't eaten lunch yet. The door closed behind them and i laid down next to Y/N. „I hope everything will be fine..." with that I fell asleep.


I know this chapter is a bit shorter but I didn't wanted to put the ball night in here to0, it would havebeen too long then,
so this will be in the next chapter.

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