IX - escape and tears

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Louis Pov.

I ran up and down the hall. I just couldn't get a clear mind. "Louis?" I turned around and saw hwon "Why are you crying?" I looked at him confused "I'm no-" I touched the area under my eyes and noticed I've been indeed crying. "I'm worried ok..Shes gone now for a whole week and I don't want for her to happen the same like Jiwoo..." Hwon nodded „I understand you.." He came to me and opened his arms. I accepted the hug because I really needed it in that moment. I sighted.. „thanks" He just shook his head and smiled slightly. „Dann wanted to talk to you and I wanted to check on you anyway so i told him I would get you." I nodded „Do you know why?" Hwon looked at me „He just told me its time for something but what it is I don't know" I nodded and followed him //What is it that dann is talking about the whole time..//


Somin has been weird the whole morning bearly talking "Ok Somin, what wrong?" She looked at me and smiled.
"You'll see soon enough" I was very confused... everything I ask what wrong she always gave the same awnser...//what has this woman planned? She's not acting like that for nothing....//

Louis Pov.

//I have a really weird feeling...// I shook my head //Damn I need to stop thinking so negative...//
As soon as me and Hwon walked into Danns office we where greeted with everyone else also being there.
Hwon walked to Ivan. //They really think we still don't know that they are together, they are both to obvious, but they should tell us themselves when they're ready// everyone looked at me and had a smile on their face even, Ivan and Mujin smiled again for the first time since the incident..."why are you looking at me like that?" All.of them began to change looks with each other. "You'll see" Jahan said. "Wha-" "No questions, thanks" Dann "Good now that I have you attention, come here" I walked towards the table he was sitting behind. I opened my mouth to say something but he shook his head. "You'll have to wait here with us for the next 3 hours other wise you would see why your here.. and no I won't tell you what it is so keep the questions for yourself"
//Damn I've never seen him like that...// everyone has sat down in the mean time all of the grinning at each other knowingly "Can you please sit down for God's sake you really stress us with that" Arthur said, I shortly looked at him and sat down "stop moving" Mujin laughed at me. My leg bouncing around, I stopped "Can someone tell me what is happening?" "nope" "Really mature Dann" I rolled my eyes at him. He just laughed //what the fuck are they hiding...//
They kept their conversation with each other up but I wasn't really listening. //How can they be so happy right now...what do they know that I don't know//

Y/N pov

I walked behind Somin. "One question how does it come that Jaehyun never comes to us.?" "I'm his mother my dear and he listens when I tell him something. Now block the attack" I Blocked her attack the last second befor ot could hit me //Damn it finally worked even while distracted//
"Perfect, your finally ready" I stood straight again "For what?" "Come follow me" she waved her hand at me to follow her. "Here put this on" she gave me a black female soldier suit, and hood .
"Wha-" "no questions put it on" I did what she said. "Now come" I followed her again. She stopped infornt of a large painting.
She looked around and placed her hand on a small part of the picture.
It moved to the side and there was a tunnel. "Here go through it till you see a red door. Go trought the door and say -I'm here thank you for waiting for me I'm ready to go back- You'll see why you need to say that." She stopped for a bit and hugged me "Take care and keep you promise my dear" she had tears in her eyes, which made me tear up as well. "Now go" she pushed me trought the entrance in the tunnel , I looked back and saw her smile at me befor the Painting closed the entrance again. Now I was crying "Thank you" I whispered. But I started walking straight ahead trought the tunnel.
//I'll miss her, she was so nice...// I looked around and finally saw the red Door. I walked faster and faster till I was running.

I reached out for the door and carefully opened it, I looked trought the door and saw that I was on the other side of the lake in the forest. I stepped outside and the door closed itself after that and also disappeared. //What?// I shook my head and rubbed my eyes the door was still gone //She really made sure no one would find me.. so what was what I should say ...ahh yes//
I closed my eyes "I'm here thank you for waiting for me I'm ready to go back" first there was nothing to hear but then I heard the wind getting stronger and something landing in front of me.
I slowly opend my eyes and the immediatly widen from shock //A Pegasus?!// " I know you never saw one of us but come you don't need to be scared" //and it can talk damn// I moved towards it and it lowerd itself on the ground so that I could get on its back which I did "where do you want to go back to?" I looked at him "Louis" was the only thing I said but he understood. And began to fly with me.
I pressed my eyes close at first scared of the height... "I know you scared because of what happend in you past but trust me you won't fall and your save" I slowly opend my eyes carefully looking around. "Wow.." I mumbled "See it's beautiful" "your right. It is" after that we both went silent again but this time comforteble. I kept watching the scenery around us. Till he began to fly to the ground again.

He landed in the middle of the Palace grounds. "Thank you" I smiled and after that he bowed and flew away again "Miss Y/N! Your majesty, your back, thank God" one of the guards ran towards me with two maids that looked like the where about to cry "oh your majesty" I smiled "It's ok you can cry. It's nothing to be ashamed of"
They all cried but asked me to follow them since Dann apparently knew I would come back today. "He told us he got the information from a secret spy. We first didn't believe him but still went on patrol like he asked us to." I nodded "how was Louis?" They stopped and looked at each other. "Right you can't know...he gave in and became full vampire...or more said he let his Vampire side take control which means theres no going back anymore." I was shocked "But he never-" "We know but he wanted to get stronger and be able to get you back and keep everyone save during the Finale fight that will come..."
I nodded "He can't win against Jaehyun alone..." all of them nodded and looked at me "I trained and got stronger and I'm able to fully control my powers now. No matter what he will say, if he allowes me to fight or not. I will fight." They looked shocked now. But nodded "Of couse your majesty" they bowed and began to walk again telling me that I should go to Danns office and just knock 4 times. I nodded and panted ways with them.

I came to stop infront of the door. I took a deep breath and knocked 4 times and waited. I heard shuffeling on the other side.
And then the door slowly opend.

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