VII - Training and Anger

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Dann POV.
/I really have to get Louis to practice fighting again... We can't let Jaehyun win...//
I went to his room to see that the door was slightly open. I carefully opened the door just to see a almost fully destroyed room.
And him in the middle of everything „Louis" He turned around and i was shocked //He never wanted to be a full vampire...why?// „Did you find out where she is?" I shiver ran Down my spine, his voice was cold and full of anger..."First you should calm down otherwise I wont tell you shit" with that i left the room and teleported away only to here something break as soon as i stood at the stairs //He really threw something after me// I shook my head //He'll need to learn to control his damn anger... But that only proofs that he really has feelings for her and that he wants her back.... But we can't just attack Jaehyun... We all need to learn how to control our power me and the others may be a bit better then Louis even thought we haven't used them in centuries.... But Louis never used his Powers not even as a child...but they are as Powerfull now as Y/Ns... I hope she's ok. Ever since she got taken everyone is down. Everyone worry's about her well being.//
I heard a knock on my door „Come in" Louis of course „Before you say something, I'm sorry i know i need to learn how to control it..." He looked down. I nodded „Good now come we have to practice" His head shot up „Your not mad?" I shook my head and laughed at him in disbelief „No... I know how you feel.. Remember when i almost destroyed the palace in my Kingdom?" He nodded „That was after she died...After i realized that I'll maybe never get her back.. So i understand how you feel." The look in his eyes changed from still slightly angry to sad. „Sorry.." „You dont need to apologize." I went to him and pulled him in a hug „We will get her back don't worry, I wont let the same thing happen again. There wont be another one losing his love"   I felt him nod „I can't control..-„ „I know dont worry we'll help you"  with that we went to go to the practice room and gathered the others too to practice with us.


The medicine had really work and luckily I was sleeping through the whole pain thing so i didn't notice anything.
Jaehyuns mom began to train me and I slowly began to understand how powerful my powers really were and how to control them.
„How will i be able to pay you back" I asked her when we took a small break. She didn't look at me „You don't have to. The biggest and best reward will be that I can see you together with your true love." She smiled. „Just promise me to end Jaeyhun or otherwise he'll never stop hurting people to get what he wants." I nodded //I really hope I'll be able to do that// „I know that you probably think -how will this work?- but believe me it will work out. You just have to trust yourself" I nodded again „Now come we want you to get strong fast don't we?" „Yes" with that we stood up and began to practice again.

Louis POV

The practice went well till now. Again the thoughts about Y/N... I felt anger boil up inside of me. //I need to get out before i hurt on of the others// I walked outside to get some fresh air. „Where are you going?" Ivan of course he'd notice. „I need fresh air. I don't want to hurt any of you guys with a anger outburst." With that I went into the garden.. But I couldn't calm down.. everything reminded me of her.... „FOR FUCK SAKE!!" I punched into one of the rock and it cracked into two pieces. I looked shocked at my hand and then the rock. //Shit// but I saw something inside the rock that got my attention „What is?-„ I stopped myself after seeing a what exactly it was. My eyes went wide „That can't be .... That means mom hide it"

We practiced till dawn and went back to the room to get dinner. Suddenly I felt something really strong.. „What was that?" I mumbled „It seems like your boyfriend found what his mother had hidden from her husband, Jaehyuns dad and Jaehyun. You'll have more control over your power now. But we still need to keep practicing." I nodded „Ok" //What did he find that has such strong power??//  I kept thinking about it till I fell asleep..

Dann POV.

I searched for Louis, when i had found him he held something in his hands //What is- Nooooo how is that possible?//
My jaw dropped. „Is that?" „Yes it is...but i still don't get why my mom would have hidden it all the time" I nodded but then remembered „she did that to keep you save.. she told me that you'll find it when you need it the most and i think she was very right with that" He kept silent for awhile „You knew she hid it?" I nodded again „She made me promise not to tell anyone and since then a lot of time has passed..." He nodded „We need to get inside to come up with a plan. Please call the other and make sure no one is with us or finds us till we have a plan." I nodded „We will get her back and safe the Kingdom, now that we have my dear mothers help."

Louis POV.

I watched Dann walk away. //Please mother help us with this. Please help us get her back and safe the kingdom.//
I looked up to the sky and it began to rain //Mother always loved rainy day they calmed her down// My eyes widen in realization „Thank you mother"

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