VIII - new found strength, strong bond

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I woke up and saw that no one was in the room. //where?// the door suddenly swung open. „Good morning my dear, oh - did i scare you?" I looked at her „A bit" „I'm sorry, here have breakfast and get ready we have to go early today. I need to show you something" I nodded and began to eat. „Before you ask yes it has to do with you and Louis." I nodded again.

After I finished breakfast, I got ready and we went outside. I followed her, we walked out of the cave and into the forest. „Do you now how to swim?" I nodded „Yes why?" „Good because as soon as wearrive you need to dive and swim behind the Waterfall. I wont come with you thought." „Why that?" she took a deep breath „It's Louis moms grave, you have to go there. You'll see why. I can't tell you" I nodded //Why should I go to his mothers grave ?//
we kept walking till we had arrived at the lake. I took of the hood and began to walk into the water „And one more thing.. don't turn back till you are at her grave. No matter who is calling you. It's not who it says to be. No matte who's voice you hear don't turn around keep walking."

I nodded, now fear slowly spreading inside me. //Of course its to keep the grave save..// „Ok lets go" I mumbled to myself and swam behind the Waterfalls. When i got up again and looked around I saw a small entrance to a cave. I walked inside and first i didn't hear anything but then „Y/N??" That was Louis voice but I didn't turn around. //That's not him// „Y/N, please look at me." I kept walking ignoring the voice „I know you want to see me again too." I still kept walking //I'm not allowed to turn around, that's not him, its not real.I felt a wind blow from behind me //It's directly behind me// I kept walking „Turn around"  the voice became more rough, even thought I was scared i kept walking //It can't hurt you if you dont turn around// I kept telling myself that and became more confident again. I began to walk faster „I said turn around!" The voice now shrill and loud, it sounded nothing like Louis anymore which gave me even more the reason not to turn around. „STOP!!" Now it was screaming. I still kept speed walking. I saw a light and a door //hope fully its open..// I kept my pace, but soon i heard loud stomping behind me //It Follows me// I tried to keep calm and began to run.

The door suddenly swung open letting me inside. After I was trough the door it slammed shut. Locking out whatever was behind me.
I stopped for a moment catching my breath.
I looked up and saw a Statue of a beautiful woman in the middle of the room inside of a small lake with waterfalls behind it.

I walked towards it. I stopped infront of the lake. „So and what now?" I mumbled to myself „It's good to see that my son has finally found his soulmate" I flinched „who?" I looked around „It's ok you dont have to be scared Y/N is waited for you. I'm Louis mother." I looked at the statue but there wasn't a statue anymore it was a real woman siting there „Come here. I have something for you." I sat a foot onto the water preparing myself to sink in, but i didn't happen. I walked over to his Mother. „Come sit with me" I did what i was told not wanting to anger her. „here." she handed me a necklace „I gave Louis has the bracelet, it makes both of your powers stronger." She stopped but I felt like that wasn't everything she wanted to say „There is more you want to tell me, am I right?" I questioned, which made her look at me „I want to know if you really love him.. I dont want him as heartbroken as i was left with his father" I nodded „I have to take a look in your heart but you need to allow me to do so" I kept silent for a moment „It's ok if your against it, i mean its sounds scary after all" I looked at her and then smiled „No its ok you can do that" Her head snapped up to look at me. „Really? Are you really sure?" I nodded „I love him with all my heart so I have nothing to fear." She smiled and reached out to hold my hand „It will sting for a moment but it doesn't take long just a few seconds" I nodded and closed my eyes showing her that she had my trust. Then I felt the sting.
But it was over after a few second. I opened my eyes again, and saw that she sat in front of me still holding my hands her eyes wide in shock „You really didn't lie." She began to smile „Good now I can allow your twos bond to finally grow to its fully strength." I looked at her „Your bond is already so strong.. But now both of you are bound to the fullest. Please promise me you'll get rid of Jaehyun and take care of my son... I will watch and guard over you."


I know the chapters are shorter then in the beginning but it's better for me to manage the diffrent parts and it's better readable.

I still hope yall like it ^^

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