V - Fateful Ballnight

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Dann PoV.
// I hope Louis is wrong with his feeling of something bad happening later // I ran around gathering the others "OK, everyone knows what they have to do. Ivan, Hwon, Mujin you'll stay with Y/N, Me, Arthur and
Jahan will be staying with Louis." everyone nodded and with that we headed to pich both of them up.

Louis PoV.
I finished changing when the boys came in we waited for Y/N to finish. The Maids are currently helping her. "You good?" I nodded. "Yes, but I'm still worried... " Dann sat down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder" Hey, everything will be alright Ok?" "Yes" Ivan spoke up" We'll make sure nothing will happen" I looked at them and smiled "thank you guys"
all of them shook their head "That's what friends are for. We stick together" Mujin said. I smiled. //I hope they are right... But I also would never blame them if something happens... It's after all not their fault, I really need to keep that in mind, to not lash out on them if something happens// „Your in thoughts again..." I looked at Jahan „I'm sorry" „It's ok, we understand you..." „especially I do..." I looked at Dann shocked // He hadn't spoken about Jiwoo since her death ....He never let anyone know how he was feeling about it...// „I know the fear of losing someone... and how it feels to lose someone... I don't want anyone of you to experience that feeling..." We all looked at him now „Dann I-„ „No its ok." He smiled at me „Maybe in future I'll find her soul in a different body again. But for now it's more important that nothing will happen to you two.. I swore that I'll protect you guys and your loved ones. I promised Jiwoo that I'll take care of all of you. I already broke it once.. That's not going to happen again." The whole room was silent. Ivan and Mujin had tears in their eyes."I promise you that now and forever" I hugged him and whispered „We'll be careful and I promise we will find her." He hugged me back „Thank you"

No one heard that Y/N came in, we only noticed her after Mujin went t her crying seeking comfort. She hugged him back and rubbed soothingly over his back. „How long have you been here" I asked. She looked at me, then to Dann and back. „Long enough, but I don't know what to say." Dann smiled at her „It's ok, its first of all not our fault and second of all I'm over it, Yess it does still hurt, especially not knowing when or if I'll ever see her again... But its alright" She nodded and gave all of us a comforting smile. Still holding Mujin who slowly calmed down. „You ok again?" She softly asked him, he took his head off of her shoulder and nodded. Both of them walked over to us. Just now I noticed how beautiful she looked. „You look so gorgeous." I whispered and back hugged her. „You two are so cute together" there was our Mujin again, His squealing is just so him. I laughed. „Now come we don't want to be to late for the opening." I let go of her but took her hand in mine. We walked to the Ballroom.. I took a deep breath. „You can still go back. We can say you both are sick or something." I looked at Hwon then at
Y/N who shook her head „No its fine." We walked inside and to the front to open the Ball. //everyone is already here..// As soon as we stood on the Platform I thanked everyone and opened the Ball. I looked around //There are a few of Jaehyuns people here... I knew it// „Dann" I leaned over to him „I know there are a few of Jaehyuns people but we can't do anything, it would be to obvious" I nodded and leaned back. „Can we dance for a bit?" Y/N looked up at me. //I don't know if that's a good idea...// I still nodded and took her to the dance floor with me. „Your so beautiful." she looked up at me with a warm smile. „You don't look bad yourself my King" I spun her around and catchend her in my arms. „Your much of a tease you know that?" She smirked „ I don't know what your talking about."

We danced for awhile before we went back. Suddenly we heard crashing noise from the Halls. „Please everyone stay calm we'll Handel that." Mujin, Jahan and Hwon walked outside. „Y/N, Louis you both need to get out of here..Now" I nodded at Danns words and took Y/N, I walked with her till we got to a big Painting. I looked around to see if anyone is there. I couldn't see anything but I heard footsteps. „There are you.. I wondered were you two would have been going to." //Jaehyun...// „Yes Louis your right its me. You have something that I want. Give her to me now!" „No i won't." A sudden blast ripped us both apart. I saw how Y/N got thrown against the wall, her unconscious body fell to the floor. „Then fight" I jumped away from the voice. „You will lose and I'll get revenge" I narrowed my eyes at him. „Forget it." with that we began to fight. //I hope the other come soon.//

Dann POV.
//why the heck are there so many??// I fought back another of Jaehyuns People. Soon we had eliminated all of them.
I pinned the last one down with my sword. „While you were here fighting us our boss attacked your Precious Louis and Y/N. He has the sword with him and will win and take her with him" I killed the last one „Come we need to find them and help them. we can't lose any more time." I yelled an with that we ran down the halls. //Please don't let it be to late//

Louis POV.
„Fuck" I held my side where he had been able to get me.. I stumbled back. I looked down and saw blood //Y/N was right//
I heard laugher. My look shot up again. „Let her go" Jaehyun had picked her up and was about to jump out of the window „Maybe you'll get a second chance to fight with me to get. Her back. But till then you have to life with the thought of maybe never getting her back." Again he laught „Good night and sweet dream King Louis" With that he jumped out of the window. The last thing i saw was Dann and the other running towards me with scared looks on their faces. Then everything went black.

Jaehyun POV.
//Finally after so many years of waiting for this moment it finally happened // „Here take her to her room and make sure she can't escape" „Yes Sir" I turned around to the Altar „Just a bit longer and we will be able to destroy this Kingdom with everyone in it."

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