VI - In the hands of the enemy

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Y/n Pov

I shot up from a terrible dream, "SHit" //Why does that hurt so much// "You need to lay back down" I did as I was told but now I was scared. I wasnt in the palace anymore.. "We will find a way to get you out of here but first you need to stay here so that everything can heal." I looked at the woman who talked to me "Why-" " I wont let my son hurt even more people, then he already did. Do you know someone named Dann?" I nodded slowly " Jaehyun was the one that was able to smuggle one of his People into the Castle back then. He is responsible for Jiwoo's death. Only that he fell in Love wih the Princess. And also was the one who killed her while attempting to kill Dann... It was Jaehyuns best friend... After that he left and no one has ever seen him again..." She was about to say more when "Pretend to sleep, he is on his way. I'll tell you later more." I did what she told me //Wait he is the reason behind everyting that happened?// "Is she awake?" His voice is cold. "She was but I told her to rest she is really in pain" I heard footsteps come towards me and a hand brushing hair out of my face "One thing I need to agree with Louis is that your really beautiful. As much as I hate to say that but he has taste." With that he walked out of the room.
I slowly sat up, and looked at the older woman „So my dear, I'll tell you now exactly why he is like that." She sat down on the chair again. „he wasn't always a only child like he is now. He had a Older Brother who was always the good one and the best in his fathers eyes while Jaehyun was always the unloved, unappreciated, mistake child in his fathers eyes..." I noticed that it was hard for her to talk about the past „He always wanted to be his fathers favorite, he never was not even after his brother died in a battle.... He blamed Jaehyun for what had happened and that it should have been him not his beloved son. Jaehyun still didn't gave up even now years after his fathers death..." I looked at her shocked „His father died because of his fault but he blames Louis for it even though Louis never had any fault in the death of his Father..." She looked up at me. „Please.. I know that you have the power to win against Jaehyun and i can and will teach you to control it. But promise me to go back to Louis.." I nodded, I was unable to speak. She began to smile and carefully hugged me „Thank you my dear" she let go of me „Now rest we want your wounds to heal fast so I can help you." 

Same time Louis POV.

I bolted awake and looked around „wow, lay back down your injured" Dann pushed me back down. „Where is Y/N?" Dann looked down „We didn't came in time...Jaehyun has her...." I took a deep breath //Remember its not their fault//
„It's ok... its my fault i wanted to go to the ball even tho i knew it would be dangerous..." Dann looked up at me. „It's also not your fault and you know that" I shook my head.  „It is..." He sat down next to me „It's not. And we will get her back." I nodded. „But first you need to let your wound heal it wouldn't be good to go into a fight weaker..." I needed to agree with him that would be a terrible decision. „how long do you think will it take for it to heal?" „Including the fact that we are vampires  probably 2 to 3 days." I nodded // I really hope Y/N is ok...//  I laid back and putted a hand over my eye. I felt how Dann stood up „I promise you , you wont lose your love like I did" with that he left the room, probably to tell the others that I'm awake. // Love... a strong word...// my eyes widen at the realization // I do love her.. i have never cared about someone that much... even before i knew about her Powers... she was the only one of the girls that stood out of the crowd to me. She is the only one who could make me smile in what feels like an eternity... I need to get her back, safe. I need to have her back in my arms.//


I must have fallen asleep, because it was already dark and no one was in the room anymore. I carefully got out of the bed. //I'm so hungry...// I stood in the middle of the room looking around, I saw a letter on the desk.
'If your hungry or need anything. Take the bell and ring it. Only I'm able to hear it so no one else will be alarmed or hear it.
I will come and get you everything you need - Somin '
//That is a letter from the old lady...// I looked to the desk again, ther was the bell. I rung it and sat down on the chair.
A few moments later the door slowly opened and Somin walked in with a lot of food. She saw me and smiled „Here, I figured you must be very hungry." „Thank you" I smiled back. „And this" She held up a small bottle after placing down the food „will help you heal faster, it will heal everything in one night, but it doesn't taste good nor is it painless. The night you decide to take it will be full of pain if you don't manage to fall asleep fast." I nodded and she handed me the bottle. „It will help you regain your strength and you'll be able to learn faster to control your powers to get out of here." I nodded but i still couldn't figure out why she wants to help me without knowing me.. „Your probably wondering why i want to help you so bad?" I again nodded „You need to know that I only married his father because of the same situation that you are in now only difference is that no one helped me getting out of this so my fate was sealed." She paused and looked at me „I dont want you to lose your love too... you wont have any freedom and like his father he doesn't care about your feelings. He will punish you if you show any emotions as soon as your officially his, because he thinks its weak." I looked at her shocked „Now that you understand why we can't lose any time. Are you going to take the medicine?" „Yes, now that i understand everything it's easier for me ..." She smiled And nodded „Good. Now eat your body will need it" I ate what was apparently dinner since it was already night. As I went back in bed i took the medicine. I laid down and tried to sleep. Which luckily worked.

Louis POV.

I shot up again the same nightmare. //I can't go back to sleep...// I stood up and put on a jacket. I walked outside and to the garden... // I Hope she's ok...// I kept walking and thinking about a plan on how to get her back safe and how to safe everyone else from any harm... //He'll pay and he will go down// I felt a strong feeling, it wasn't rage... rage was to harmless to describe the feeling... I felt the Injury heal and felt really strong power run trough my vines... //I never wanted to give in to the power and needs of my vampire side but if it means that I can protect and safe her and the other then so be it.// with that I knew there was no turning back again...

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