X - reunited & Missunderstanding

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Louis Pov.
A knock on the door ripped me out of my thoughts. And I looked up. "Go open the door." I looked at the with a questioning look but did what he said.
I slowly opend the door and..
My eyes widen, tears making their way down my cheeks. „Yo- How ?" Y/N stood there tears also streaming down her eyes. She just shook her head and hugged me. I hugged her back tight, afraid that she would disappear again.
„You don't know how much i missed you..." I mumbled in her neck.. „I missed you more. But i have a lot to tell you...i don't know how i should start thought..." I loosed my grip a bit to look at her. Her eyes told a lot.. „You don't have to you just have to allow me to read your mind" She nodded and closed her eyes. I could feel that she let her guard down and began to read her mind. As soon as i finished I felt my blood boil. „Who does she think she is....and why did you listen to her?"  She flinched in my arms „I-„ „No go to our bedroom we talk later about this..And this is an order!" I yelled and let go of her. „You know what... I thought you would be happy that I'm back but maybe I was wrong...You only cared about what she did that has to do with you mother...you didn't even care that she helped me....I bet you also only want me because of my powers..." she mumbled thinking i wouldn't hear her but I did and instantly. But befor I could say anything she was already gone.. „FUCK!!" I screamed and ran outside in the Garden.  //A normal apologie won't do it...plus i need to proof her that I really love her.. but how???//


//Why does he think only about that??// I let myself fall down on the bed and cried into the pillow.
„Wow.... Now i really don't know if his mom lied to me that he really loves me or if she didn't..." I mumbled into the Pillow..
„Y/N?" I heard Ivans voice and lifted my head from the pillow to let a „Come in" out and fell straight back. I heard the door open and close again „Can we talk?" I sat myself up and patted on the spot next to me, to signalize him a yes. „Before you keep thinking that he doesn't love you take a look around the room" He said before sitting down. I did what he said and noticed that the room was completely new. „What-„ „He destroyed the room out of anger that he had let you get kidnapped. He let his vampire side fully take over, to get stronger, to get you back. He trained all day and night. If Dann wouldn't have been there he probably wouldn't have slept or done anything else, just so he can get you back. He never was concentrated, and due to his Vampire side that freshly took over him, he still isn't able to control his anger and outbursts..." He paused for a bit looking out of the window „Please give him a second chance...You don't have to do it now, you can think about it but please keep my words in mind. I'll let you be now. If you need anything just call one of us." I nodded and with that he stood up and went outside, not before giving me a warm smile.
After the door closed I looked outside and saw Louis, in the meantime it had began to Rain, a lot, He stood there only in his tshirt and thin pants. //He'll get sick...I know that since Mujin became sick when he fell into the lake and kept walking in his wet clothes// I took the second blanked and putted mine over my shoulders. I walked outside and took an umbrella with me, I putted both blankets don before i went outside. „Are you stupid!?" I yelled trought the wind. He turned around looking at me with wide eyes „Come inside or ill kick your butt!" I took his hand in mine and dragged him in.
I putted both blankets over him and made him hold them. I kept dragging him with me to our room. As soon as we have been in the room I sat him down on a chair and walked back to close the door. After that i went to the closet and picked out fresh clothes. I putted them into the bathroom and made him a warm bath, while cussing under my breath.

Louis POV.
I still sat on the chair. Confused, happy, angry and disappointed in myself. //Why did she do that? I mean i can feel she's still mad...// I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, stopping right behind her. I heard her Cussing under her breath. „Stupid Vampire making me fall in love with him..... I can't even be mad at him for his unnecessary outburst...... stupid vampire.... Will get sick... Mad at him for making me worry so much..." i was shocked, she wasn't mad at me because of the outburst ... she was mad because i made her worry. //I don't understand this woman...// I back hugged her which made her flinch, i nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck. „I don't understand you..." She stopped her movements „Why? Because I'm only mad at you for making me worry?" I nodded //She smells so good// „You need blood, i can feel your breath on my neck" My head shot back up looking at her „How?" „Your mom made our bond stronger, I can feel when you need something and right now its blood." „I can't -„ „Why? I have enough strength to get away from you when lose control"  I nodded but still didn't move „Really?" I looked at her „Why are you not mad at me?" silence „Ivan told me what happened in the time when i was gone.... He made me realize that what I said was more then wrong, but that till doesn't excuse the part of you not paying attention to what really happened.." „ I know... I realized it as soon as it left my mouth and i know that a normal apology isn't enough" agin silence but this time a bit more comfortable „It would have been better than risking to get sick, now go and take a bath before you get sick. I'll call the maids to get the bed fresh and dry." she wanted to go but I didn't let her. „Come back here afterwards." I looked at her hoping she'd get why without me needing to tell her that I needed her near me.
She looked at me for a long time saying nothing. //Please say something, even if it is a no, please//

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