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After we have been able to fight all of Jaehyuns people I looked around searching for Louis hoping he would be back already.
But that wasn't the case. //I have to go find them. He can't win alone//
I got my secret Wappen that i have stolen from him while i was stuck there.
I went into the forest and listened for any audio clues.
//Fighting noise// My eyes went wide and i ran towards the now sound tha became louder and louder.
I stopped behind a tree and watched them. Louis was almost out of energy and Jaehyun seemed to be in a blood lust because he only focused on Louis not caring about his surroundings. I have to wait for the right time to kill him with the sword.

Louis POV

I dont have much energy left, I can't fight him anymore....
I dodged his attacks but i wasn't able to attack myself...
„You'll lose, no one is going to help you" He suddenly said catching me of guard wich got him the chance to send me flying against a tree. It hurled like hell...I couldn't move anymore.

Leaning against the tree now facing my end.
Until Jaehyun suddenly fell down spitting blood..

Behind him was Y/N, her eyes glowing green and the Sword in her Hand. The sword also glowed and it seemed to be made for her. My eyes went wide and i shot up after she fell down unconscious after Jaehyun made his last breath. I held her in my arms making sure she was still breathing which she luckily did.

To be continued.....

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