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Louis Pov.
We all were ahooked when our enemies got send flying and knocked out from her powers. //she can't control them which means she doesn't know anything about them..// we all turned to her looking if she was alright only to run towards her to stop her from hitting the ground. I used my time control to stop time and get faster to her. After I let time go normal again, I catched her just before her head could hit the ground.
"Should we bring then to the Hotel or should we take them to the Palace?" Dann asked. I picked the girl up "we'll bring them to the Palace, it's to dangerous to let then stay at the hotel." I said. And added "and Mujin, Jahan. Please get their things from the hotel, they'll stay at the palace for the time being" both of them nodded and made their way to the Hotel. While the rest of us took both of them back to the Palace.

Time skip next day in the Palace.

We brought everyone of them in their own rooms and I ordered each 4 guards to watch them.
I was awake the whole night. Thinking about possible ways to find out how much of Jaehyns people are here. //damn we need to keep them save. And now that they have their proof that she's the one their searching for its even more dangerous... why do I care about that??..// I sighted, run a hand over my face and looked out the window..... // I need to ask Dann what that feeling is.. sometimes I really hate my dad for raising me like this...// I got up and got charged, just as I was about to leave my room the door banged open "she's awake sir." The guard said. I looked at him " Ok I'll be right there" He nodded and disappeared again. // I'll ask Dann later about it.// I went to her room and knocked. I silent 'come in' came and I stepped in the room. Two of our maids helped her sitting up "Good morning your majesty, she weaker then we thought she would be. She can barely walk on her on. We helped her change out of the clothes from yesterday and helped her cleaning herself. We'll go and make her breakfast." They both putted the last cushions behind her back, bowed to both of us and left.
"How are you feeling?" I stepped closer to the bed and sat on the chair next to it " it's ok, I just feel so tired but I can't sleep. And I have a light headache" she smiled at me "Thank you for saving me" //shes so pretty and her smile is cute. What am I thinking?// I smiled slightly back "no need to thank us, btw what is your name?" She looked at me titled her head slightly. "OH I'm really sorry.. my name is Y/N, Y/N L/N" "pretty name. Fits you" she blushed looked down to her hands. I chuckled. Just as I was to say something else someone knocked the door "Your majesty ? Y/N ? Can we come in we have the breakfast finished. " "You can come in" I said, stood up and opened the door for them since I know they tend to slightly make to much food for one person or also in general. And as I thought it's more of a buffet for 10 people then for one. "You know she probably won't eat that much." One of them turned to me and smiled "oh its not just for her, it's also for you your majesty, since her best friend was awake earlier then her he already got breakfast" I nodded and went to the chair next to her bed again. The build up a bedtable so she would have to leave bed while I stayed at the table next to the bed.
As they have sat the last plate down, I dismissed them and they left the room again.
"That is really a lot" I heard next to me. " That's normal. You don't have to eat everything, the rest will be Givin for the breakfast round for those people on town who can't afford as much as we do, so there won't go anything to waste." She looked at me and smiled again "I really wish it be everywhere like this" with that she began to eat and so did I.
The breakfast was one of the nicest I've had in a long time shes really bubbly which is a change from most of the other people I've met. As we talked about a lot of things one thing got my attention the most which was her interest in History, myths, rumors and fairytales of different cultures. That's also when I found out the truth about their lost being the day before. " and ill be honest with you we didn't really got lost, we found something that I wanted to know if it was true. But he definitely hadn't the intention to break thing or steal things." I was first confused " what do you mean by that.? What exactly did you find?" She then took out a old letter and handed it me. "I Asked the maids to give me the letter from my backpack before. I don't like lying to people especially since you saved my life." I looked at the letter then back at her " There is something described in the letter and I wanted to know if it's true." She looked down.
I opend the letter after a few more seconds of looking at her. I read the letter and then realized what letter it was " how did you get that letter" she looked at me now fear in her eyes. Yes I was angry but not at her. "W-we got that from Birans dad, his dad has gotten the letter from a friend of his" I took a deep breath "first of all sorry I didn't mean to scare you and secondly the letter got stolen a few weeks ago. It was never supposed to leave the Palace.. if not you but someone else would have gotten their hands on the letter we all would be in deep trouble." I ran a hand trough my hair. And watched her closely, she relaxed again. "I'm sorry.." she mumbled and looked down. "It's ok, I mean you didn't knew. " I reached out to her and padded her head. She looked up at me and in that moment I knew I still had a heart because it broke at the sight of her crying. I sad down on the bed next to her "Hey why are you crying?" I looked in her eyes " I- it's just that since I lost my parents everything I do is wrong in everyone's eyes.... and it's even worse when I do mistakes like this..." I was shooked at least to say " It's not your fault, and I'm not mad I promise" she nodded and I took her in my arms where I rested my head kn top of hers..//seems like she's been trought a lot...// " you don't ever need to be scared of me ok?" I felt her nod. I held her for a long time more.
She fell asleep again so I laid her down and put the blanket over her. I made sure to call the guards back and the maids to clean her room.
After that I went off to find Dann and ask him about what feeling I was having when I'm with her.

Time skip evening.

Y/N Pov.

I woke up and looked around. I was still in the room, I must have fallen asleep again. I thought about what happend and blushed madly. //oh shit...that's do embarrassing... but I felt comforteble with the king... weird I know...// I took a look out of the window.. It was slowly getting dark... I looked at my phone which charged on the nightstand. 05.37pm.... //theres no way im going back to sleep...// I stood up, feeling how my legs didn't really have any strengh, I still kept going, I had a really bad feeling and wanted to see King Louis. I slowly opened the door and saw that the guards wheren't there. //no no no thats bad really bad...// Panic began to slowly run trough my veins.. //shit. shit, shit. I need to find him.// I tried to walk faster and it worked, probably because of the adrenaline. I saw a door slightly open. At this point I was already running. and the figure that has been standing infront of one of the windows didnt do any help to my Panic and fear. I heard two voices, one that I didn't know and //Louis!// I reached for the door and then I felt super light headed //Now I know why I was told to stay in bed fuck// Again I fell, just this time I stayed conscious, bad thing I fell trought the door and it banged open. I couldn't move to see who was in the room so I stayed on the floor.
"Y/N!!!" I heard foodsteps coming closer. I felt two arms pulling me slightly up. "Why aren't you in bed, how you were told to??!!" he was angry i could tell even thought he spoke calmy the tone in his voice showed that he was anrgy. "Louis calm down and maybe at least get her on a chair insted of letting her on the cold floor" The other one spoke //Damns their all pretty handsome wtf// Louis liftet me up and put me on one of the couch chairs in the room.
"Dann can you please close the door?" The other nodded and did what Louis asked him for. Dann also gave me a glass of water and Louis a blanket, then both of them got a better look on me and their eyes widden in shook "Y/N what happend? why are you so paniced?" Dann asked I looked at him both of them crouched down on each side of the chair. "I- there was no one in front of my door and there was wśomeone at the window. I got scared and yeah..." I looked down at the glass "Wait there was no on infront of your door?" Louis asked and i shook my head. "Wait, there were supposed to be two gurads." Dann said and looked at Louis. "Could you make anything out what the person from the window looked like or did you see something that you remember?" I tought "He had something red on but I couldn't see more. " Dann nodded "I go get the others to search for the guards and maybe some glues on who that was. It would be better if she'd stay with you for this night" He clealry ment it more as an order then a request but Louis agreed with him. With that Dann went out of the room closing the door behind him. now i was alone with Louis. "I'm sorry..." I looked at the glass again. "It nohing to be sorry about you helpt us finding the traitors." "But now i have to stay here and I'll defenetly be a bother to you." he looked at me confused "Your not a bother to me" I looked up. "I'm not? Are you sure?" He smiled and nodded "I'm 100% sure" I smiled at him. "So are you hungry?" "No not really.. But I'm also not tired" He stood up from his crouched position next to me and went to his book shelfe... "I know your intersted in the history of this Castle and town so if we really won't go to sleep today, I figured we can just read some of the books that were written a few thousend years ago, their still in very good condition so you don't need to worry about breaking one of them unless you use a lot of strength. " He chuckeld //I wish he would laught a bit more it sounds so good and suits him more then this cold face expretion he has all the time.// I smiled "That sounds nice" He came back with a few books "Here this aren't all of them but I think for now it should be alright" I looked at the books with sparkling eyes "Which onr do you want to read first?" I Looked at the books and a red one catched my eyes, I pointed at it and he handed it to me. "You seem to like dark red pretty much" He smiled, I looked up "Yes its my favorite color" His smile grew a bit bigger "Nice choice". He picked me up and walkeed over to his Kings size bed. After he putted me down he went into the bthroom the was for the room. After he came back he had normal clothes on and set down next to me. "Are you ok with me being here or do you want me to sit on the chair?" I looked at him " Of couse its ok. Why shouldn't it be?" He shurged "Maybe you would feel uncomfortable? IDK" He made himselfe comfortable and I scutted a bit closer to him. We made ourselfes comfortable and began to read the book at some parts I asked him questions too undertsand it better and he always explaint everything for to me.

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