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„Please come back here afterwards." I looked at him, I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what was right... Should I come back or should I stay away. I tried too get out of his grip but that didn't help, he only tightened his grip. Not to bad that it would hurt but enough to make me stay. He looked at me trying to find out what i was feeling or thinking... I nodded. //I mean we can't just let that stupid fight get between us.. that would be stupid...// He smiled slightly //It looks like the smile he had when we met...more cold again// My look changed i knew it but there was nothing to hide, I was sad that he lost his smile again just because of everything that happened.... Just because of me.... He looked at me confused but I forced a small smile on my face shaking my head. „I'll call the maids and then come back, now go take a bath before it gets cold." I shushed him and then walked out side. I carefully closed the door and called the maids after they where finished they left again. //should i go inside?// I took a deep breath and knocked on the bathroom door. „Come in".His voice was soft and much more relaxed. I slowly walked inside closing the door again //It's comfortably warm in here// I felt a lot more relaxed then before and carefully sat down next to the bathtub leaning my head against it, my eyes closed. I heard some small water drops which means he moves then I felt a hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes looking at Louis. „I'm sorry" He whispered I shook my head „I need to apologize, If i wouldn't have these damn powers nothing of this would have happened" I mumbled , hoping he wouldn't have heard it but he did „No, you don't have to apologize, its not your fault. But my behavior was very inappropriate which is why i do have to apologize." I looked up at him, head still in the bathtub „The only thing you need to make up for, is making me worried." I smiled, He looked shocked „How are you not mad at my outburst?" „I understand why and I would have had the exact same reaction out of fear and worry. So there's no need to apologize for that" He nodde and laid back down again. I reached out and ran my hand thought his hair. He looked at me with, what i call, puppy eyes and he had tears in them „What wrong?" He didn't answer and kept looking at me. „I don't deserve you...I have done so many things I dont-„ I couldn't let him keep talking himself down like that so I just planted a careful, soft kiss on his lips. „Shut up" I looked at him and laughter at his dazed face „Your really something you know that" I nodded and shrugged „You need to get used to it" I laughed which made him laugh too. „By the way, I love you too much to be mad at you for long" I whispered . His eyes widen „what?" I laughed „You just said you love me out of the blue, how do you think i would react. By the way I love you more"
I smiled. And leaned my head back on the bathtub. I felt him also leaning back again. His hand rested on my head. "I'm glad we've found eachother..." i opened my eyes again and whispered a "yeah.." back.

Dann Pov.
//Damn... I really hope he makes it up to her...// I shook my head. „Dann?" „Yes?" I looked up to see Ivan at the door „You need to see this" I was confused but still followed him „What are we doing in Louis room?" „Shush" He waved his hand and pointed at something with his other one. I slowly walked towards him and looked inside the bathroom where i saw Y/N with her head resting against the bathtub and Louis sleeping inside of it. „How did you?" I whispered „I wanted to call them for dinner but i don't think i should go inside right now." He whispered back, I nodded „Yeah...but  we still have to wake both of them sooner or later especially Y/N she needs to eat and drink" Ivan nodded „I know but let them be for a bit longer they need the rest and time near each other" I agreed and we silently walked back to my office.
„I really hope they get on each other good side again... they really are meant for each other even his mother said so..." Now all of us, except Y/N and Louis, have been in the office now. And they did agree „They will, I'm sure about it" Jahan said, the rest of us was a bit surprised because he never said something to things like this and if he did he was always right. „If Jahan says that then it'll be like that." I nodded but i was still convinced that there will definitely be a big fight soon.. Jaehyun will definitely try to get her back. But right now we need to make sure that Y/N and Louis make their bond stronger again.

Louis POV

I woke up and noticed that we were still in the bathroom but now the water was cold and Y/N was fast asleep.
I carefully got out and putted the dry, warm clothes in that she laid out for me. After that I took her and brought her to the freshly made bed.
I laid her down and went to my side.
As soon as I was tucked under the blankets with her, she turned around and cuddled up to me. "Thanks" I smiled down at her and putted an arm around her. //I wish it would forever be like this...//
With that I fell asleep.


I know the chapter is shorter then the other but I was sick and now I'm at work and school again so I will release more chapters then I originally planned therefor they will be a bit shorter.

I still hope yall like it 😊

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