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Louis Pov.
I woke up and was confused. I rewinded the Night before looking down having Y/N cuddelt up to me. //Cute // I guess we fell asleep reading the books. Some one knocked on the door "Louis its me, can I come in ?" It was Dann "Of cousre" I said. But I luckily didn't wake her up. "We have found -" He stopped dead in his tracks "You found?" I looked at him. He smiled whiche slowly turned into a smirk. "You look good together, anyway we found the traitors and put them undere arrest, and we got some infomation out of them who the pereson on the window was. It was Jaehyun himself... He wanted to get her last night but luckily she was faster to come to us then him. I wanted to ask you what you wanted to do now since she's clearly in danger." I tought for a while "She'll stay with me and if I can't watch her for whatever reason one of you will. The Ball got moved to Saturday?" "Yes the Ball got moved Yesterday shortly before Lunch time. Ok, Of course we'll make sure that shes save. I also got to find some more informations about her family and Jaehyuns intations." Dann paused for a while. "His father wanted the powers of her Family a long time ago but her mother refused to give herself to him..." I was confused, what did he mean with give herself to him. "Before you ask, she can only share her powers to the one she truly loves or if she marries that person but in the marrige part doesn't require love. And thats what he knew. Her mother andd father died while trying to protect their daugher. Only problem was after her mothers dead she automaticly gave the powers to her daugther. Jaehyuns Dad also died in the fight due to his bad injury. Now he wants to fullfil what his fahter couldn't." "So basicly he wants to marry her to get her powers..." "Yes plus he'll probably kill her afterwards because he doesn't need her to live to keep her powers..." I was shocked. "We can't let that happen..." Dann nodded "I know but to protect her someone would have to marry her because other then that we can't keep her save forever..." "Why didn't my Grandparents tell me that..." Me and Dann jumped slightly...and looked at the girl in my arms. "How long have you been awake" breathed Dann out. "Long enough to know why my parents died....So I really have to marry to keep everyone save?" Dann nodded "I mean that the only way to keep you and everyone save for a very long time.." She nodded and then looked at me "And who?" "so you don't have a problem marrying someone?" I asked she shook her head " No as long as everyone is save then I don't mind" Me and Dann looked at each other.. "Who would you be the most comfortable with?" I looked at her again but before she could awnser Dann said "Obviously you." My head whiped to him and then back to her, she was a blushing mess but nodded and hid her head behind the blanket. I laught "OK, ok but we still don't really know each other... how is this going to work out?" I asked Dann " You still have time to get to know each other, plus you can spend time together and she'll be safe. The Ball is on Saturday and till then youz have time to descide if its a good idea or not." We both nodded "I'll go and make sure that everywhere in town are gurards and make sure to find out more about Jaehyuns plans." with that Dann closed the door behind him. "So what do you want to do ? You seem to be feeling a bit better." She poped her head out of the blanked "Can we take a walk trought the Garden?" "Of course. I'll let the maids bring your belongings in here so that youu can stay here." I got my phone and called them, after that I went to change my clohes. In the mean time the maids helped Y/N change into her new clothes.

Timeskip in the Garden.

I got her to the part of the garden where no one could come in.

She walked next to me her hand in mine since shes still a bit wobbly on her legs.
"The garden is so beautiful, I love roses" her eyes sparkled. I smiled "I'm glad you like it. This was my moms idea she also loved roses" She nodded showing me that she listened, continiued looking at the roses. We kept walking just being comforable in each others presents.

Dann Pov.
After I finished giving everyone the orders and walked trought the palace. I stopped when I saw two fimilar figures walking trough the Garden. //He never lets anyone go there, she really must mean much to him// I smiled at the tought of him finally have found his loved soulmate. I really hope everything will work out... It would be really sad if it didn't. I haven't seen him smile and laugh so much since his mom died. Its really good to see him so happy.
I watched them a bit longer till Ivan came "Hey Dann, is everything alright?"I pointed at the pair in the garden. His eyes followed where i pointed at, he gasped "They look so cute together." I agreed with him
Slowly Hwon,Mujin,Jahan and Arthur came too. They all cooed at how cute they look together. We all agreed to make sure that they'll end up together.
We talked for a while and came up with a plan that should work. But we have to wait till the Ball and hope that nothing will happen in the time till our plan goes to work.
"How are we gonna make sure nothing happens after the Ball? I mean it doesn't have to be before the Ball but till they can marry, there can happen a lot..." Arthur spoke up. We all turned to him, he still had his eyes fixed on the couple in he garden. "Your right" Hwon said "We need to keep both of the safe till they can marry." Again all of us agreed and kept an eye on them. "He looks so happy with her.." Mujin mumbled "Mhm your right, I think non uóf us has seen him this happy since his mom died..."Jahan whispered.
We heard him laugh which surprised us since he never laught loud.

Time skip afternoon

Ivan Pov.

We watched Louis and Y/N the rest of the day to make sure nothing happend. We all have dinner together today, Louis wanted all of us to get to know her better, which is really surprising he had a few potentional braids in the past houndred years but he never let us to get to know them since the right one was never under them. Now seeing that he wants us to get to know her better is a really good sign. "He really wants us to get to know her, this is a really good sign." Arthur grinned. "Your right" I smiled "I really hope it'll stay like this" I got a nod from him. Mujin and Jahan came to us and we walked to get Hwon and Dann, so that we can go and have dinner with Louis and Y/N.

Louis Pov.

Me and Y/N got ready for dinner with the boys. I'm was nervous of what they would think about our descition.
Me and Y/N talked about the marrige plans and everything in the garden. We both came to the conclution that we want to get married to keep everyone save. And i may or may not have fallen head over heels for her. she reminds me so much of my mom and still shes complitly diffrent from her. But I never was so happy in a long long time.
"hey is everythink alright Louis?" the soft voice of Y/N pulled me out of my toughts. "I'm a bit nervous, I know it sounds weird but-" she cut me of with a hug "It'll be alright" she smiled. I hugged her back and began to swing her slightly. //You don't know how much you mean to me// I tought. We didn't notice the door to the dinner room go open, till some one said something or more said squealed "Awww your so cute" of course it wwas Mujin who else when not him. I laught but still held Y/N close to me. "You really are something you know" Y/N stiffled her laught by pushing her face a bit in my chest but still everyone heard it.
"She really does make you happy doesn't she" Jahan said and i nodded. "Sooo how about we sit down and talk more during dinner?" We agreed and sat down.
The dinner was going good so far but I still was nervous about making the announcement. I took a deep breath "I or more said we have to tell and ask you something" with that everyone on the table went silent and looked at me. "Me and Y/N talked about the only way to keep everyone save over long time... and we came to the descition that we will marry not now because if Jaehyun finds out about this she and everyone will be in even more danger, we need to make sure he is gone first. But there are probably more people out theree that want her powers for themselfs...Are you giving us your ok to do this?" I looked around, everyone was shocked. I took Y/N's hand in mine and noticed her being nerous too. "Wait you really think we would have something against it?" Mujin screamed Ivan and Jahan who sat next to him held their ears. "Yeez can you stopp screaming" Jahan said. Y/N laught "We actualy waited for you to come around with this. We watched you in the garden. But wee didn't tought it be that soon, thats everything" Dann smiled. "So your alright with it." I was really relieved and apperently Y/N too.
We sat there and talked for the rest of the evening, till we all got tired. We all said good night and went to our rooms. I took Y/N in my arms and carried her to our Bedroom. "You do know that i know how to walk right?" She laught, I smiled and shurged. I put her down on bed and closed the door. "I'm happy they accept our descition" Y/N let herself fall back into the cushions and let out a sight. "Me too, come we need to change then we can sleep." "noo i don't ant to get up anymore its to comfy and I'm to tired.." she pouted. I laught "Come on now you cant stay like that, you'll regret it tomorrow" she huffed and stood up. "What ar-" "hey remember we get married so you'll see me without clothes or in underware often anyway" She laught and i felt myself turn red. I still turned around to respect her privacy. I heard her giggle the whole time. "You can turn around I'm changed" I turned back and saw her in her night gown. "Beautiful as always" I smiled, now she was the one blushing and I laught "I'll change and then we can cuddel what do you think?" She nodded excited and jumped into bed. I smiled and shook my head at her. "Your really unbelivable. I thought you were tired?" "I am, but I won't let the opportunity slip for good cuddels" I went in to the bathroom and got changed. When i came back she was already asleep. I shook my head again "Unbelivable" I mumbled I got in be with her, cuddeld up to her and put the blanked over us.
I do have a really bad feeling that everything we planned won't be that easy to do.... Jaehyun will definetly try to tear us apart.

Unknown Pov.

"Master, we have the information you wanted" the peron talking handed named person the Letter with all informations "So, so he wants to marry her... well we'll see about that" Evil laugher rang trought the halls of the cave.

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