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Luan Drago runs through the hospital, desperate to get to his parents' room before they succumb to their injuries.

According to what little information Luan has been able to snatch from conversations, his parents were hit by a car which then took off, leaving his parents bleeding in the street.

He runs into the room where his parents are being treated, his heart in his throat, his breathing restricted by his binder.

It doesn't look good. His Dad looks worse off than his Mum, but both of them look bad. The nurse currently trying to dress his Dad's many injuries looks up with a grim expression before going back to work.

A doctor comes in, his expression worried. He sees Luan and his expression darkens.

"I'm not going to lie to you Luan, it's really bad. I don't know how much longer I can ethically keep them alive.

They're both in so much pain that the morphine isn't doing anything. I don't want to end their lives, but at the moment, that's the only path I can see for them."

Luan is in a daze. He can barely hear a thing after that aside from the blood roaring in his ears and his own laboured breathing.

After a few moments, he manages to choke out,

"Thank you for telling me. I'm going to stay with them for as long as I can before you have to make your decision."

The doctor nods, worry on his face, not just for the decision he has to make, but for the child that is currently going into shock.

Luan stumbles over to a chair between his parents' beds, shedding his shirt and undoing his binder so that he can take some deep breaths to reduce his heart rate.

After he's calmed himself down, he talks to his parents, telling them about his day, hoping that they're going to be okay, reassuring them that if they do go, that he will be okay.

After another few hours and several tests, the doctor comes back with a very grim expression.

"You're gonna take them off life support aren't you."

Luan says, matter-of-factly.

The doctor sighs, nodding.

"The tests and x-rays have all shown an astronomical amount of internal bleeding, broken bones and torn muscles. We can't do anything, even if we tried."

Luan sighs, knowing that even if the doctors tried to save his parents, there would be a good chance that they would either die on the operating table, or soon after.

"Thank you for taking care of them for as long as you did. I love you Mum, I love you Dad. I hope that you find peace."

In the months following his parents deaths, Luan has to attend several court hearings to try to find people for him to stay with until he reaches eighteen in three years time.

The courts end up putting him with a random couple as none of his parents' preferred potential guardians are available to house him.

And for those three years before Luan turns eighteen, he is abused verbally, mentally and physically. However, he does not let anything his guardians say get to him. He remembers his parents, the love and affection they held for him and the belief they had in him.

He continues to excell in school, coming in at the top of his classes, both during school and his after school classes. He begun taking after school classes during the time his guardianship was being decided, and he keeps them up to avoid being around his guardians after school.

A week after his eighteenth birthday, Luan uses some of his inheritance to pay for his top surgery.

Three weeks after his top surgery, his guardians start acting strange, but Luan doesn't think anything of it.

However, that will turn out to be a very bad idea. The day after he graduates, his guardians drug him with sleeping medication, and just before he falls asleep, he hears his male guardian say,

"You'd better pay double what we told you. That brat has cost us too much."

He comes back to himself long enough to think,

'Did those assholes just sell me?'

Started: 10/02/2023
Finished: 10/02/2023
Edited: 11/02/2023, 22/02/2023, 01/09/2023

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