Chapter 1, The Meeting

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Unknown POV

I watch over the boy that was just sold to me by a couple who looked as though they couldn't get rid of him fast enough.

I have his file on my lap, and after reading through it, I can't believe what he's gone though.

He lost his parents at fifteen, and those two have been abusing him since then.

He seems really intelligent, coming out top of every single one of his classes, even the extra classes he'd taken after school, but that could also be not wanting to be around the guardians, which makes sense.

After a while, he still hasn't woken up and I'm getting worried. I have no idea what the bitch gave to him, but my guess is that she gave him too much, probably hoping to kill him off.

I sense a presence behind me, and upon turning my head slightly, I see Jax Thirio, one of my favorite colleagues, standing in the doorway, worry etched into his face.

"Any change at all Johnny?"

I shake my head, turning back to the young man on the bed.

"Nothing. I have no doubt in my mind that the bitch gave him too much of whatever sedative she gave him. I'm worried if he's even gonna wake up at all."

Jax comes into the room and sits on the chair beside me, putting a reassuring arm around my shoulders, rubbing my upper arm slightly.

"He'll wake up Johnny. The kid's a fighter. Jesse's getting worried about you."

I look over at the doorway again, seeing the aforementioned twink standing there, a worried expression on his face. I smile affectionately at him, beckoning him over to Jax and I with my head.

Jesse cuddles against Jax, smiling slightly, but still looking incredibly worried, not only for myself, but for the boy currently comatose on the bed.

"Do you think he'll be okay Johnny?"

Jesse asks, his voice betraying his nervousness. Jax gently rubs his arm, trying to reassure him as best he can.

"I'm not sure buddy. Hopefully whatever that bitch gave him will wear off soon. I wanna get to know him and explain what happened to him."

Jesse nods, relaxing against Jax, nuzzling his head into his chest.

After a few more minutes, Luan begins stirring. The three of us immediately back up to give him some space so that he's not overwhelmed.

Luan POV

I begin to pull myself out of the sedative-induced sleep, trying to make sense of what happened, but my memory is foggy, and trying to pin down what happened is making my head hurt and stomach churn in an alarming way.

I manage to force my eyes open, but the light that seems to be pouring in from a window makes me force them closed again.

Suddenly, the excessive light is gone, and I can comfortably open my eyes. I see three men in front of me, one of them being classified as a twink, one being more of a Daddy, and the other radiating the aura of a Dom.

I try to sit up, but my head throbs nastily and my stomach churns badly, causing me to retch.

One of the men, the one with the aura of a Dom, grabs a bucket that was near the bed I'm currently in and holds it under my face, clearly worried about me.

Nothing comes up, but that's to be expected, because I haven't eaten anything today and only ate dinner yesterday. My head pounds nastily, and I try to press my hand against my head to alleviate the pain, but I can barely move it.

Soon, I'm able to move my head without it pounding, so I look around carefully.

The man beside me has an expression of pure worry, as do the other two men.

I try to sit up, but another sharp spike of pain drives me down.

"Hey, hey, don't try to move. That bitch gave you a lot of that sedative, so it'll take a while to wear off.

If you understand me, blink once for yes, twice for no, unless you can talk."

I nod slowly, trying to avoid any more pain.


I manage to croak out. A glass of ice water is held to my lips, and I sip gratefully.

"I'm Johnny Rapid. The twink is Jesse Bolton and the olive-toned man is Jax Thirio.

Do you know what happened to you?"

I nod, breathing carefully, trying to make sure that the water stays down.

Jesse steps forward, worry clear on his face.

"Would you like painkillers, or something to help settle your stomach?"

He asks.

"Something to settle my stomach please."

"I'll get that right away."

I smile slightly, leaning my head back against the pillows.

"Luan, can I call you that?"

Johnny asks, which makes me smile slightly before blinking once.

"Alright, Luan, your guardians sold you to me, but I have no intention of holding you here if you don't want to stay with us."

I look over at Johnny, seeing no trace of ulterior motives in his eyes, only sincerity and worry.

"Can I stay here for now?"

I ask. Johnny nods,

"Of course. Stay as long as you'd like."

I smile again, my smile widening when Jesse returns with the stomach reliever, which I take with water.

For the first time in three years, I feel like things might be okay.

Started: 10/02/2023
Finished: 11/02/2023
Edited: 13/02/2023, 22/02/2023, 01/09/2023

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