Chapter 9, Dealing With A Karen

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A few weeks after the trial and resulting play time, Luan and Johnny are out grocery shopping, when Luan is stopped by a woman who has an aura of pettiness and self-importance.

Luan tilts his head slightly, sizing the woman up, making sure that he is clear view of the nearby security camera before saying anything.

"Can I help you madame? You are currently blocking my and my boyfriend's way out of the store, and we have friends waiting for us at home."

The woman sniffs haughtily, looking Luan and Johnny up and down.

"What do you think you're doing, openly supporting that disgusting community."

Luan immediately realizes what she's talking about and places a hand on Johnny's shoulder to prevent him saying anything stupid.

"Madame, before you go insulting a community that is about inclusion and acceptance of all, maybe you should do some research. Statistics have shown that people who are raised in LGBTQIA2+ households tend to be more accepting of differences, tend to be less likely to judge others, and not to follow typical gender roles.

The Pride Community has been around for years, with history dating back to before the 2000's, but only since the Stonewall uprising, have people of the Pride Community come out of their closest, and we sure as hell ain't going back in.

Now, if you can excuse us, my boyfriend and I wish to go home. We have better things to do than listen to the ranting of a woman who knows nothing about what she's talking about."

Johnny smiles at Luan, happy with how he's handled the situation so far. The woman looks surprised by his words and doesn't try to stop them leaving.

However, on the way out, they are stopped by security, who state that the same woman who was about to harass them has said that they verbally assaulted her.

"Well, we can check the security footage. I made sure we were standing in full view of one of the security cameras when she came over to us."

Johnny and Luan finish paying for, and bagging their items, and follow the security guard to the camera room, where the woman is waiting.

The guard checks the footage, and finds that what Luan said was true.

"I'm so sorry for causing you to be delayed, but we can't take any chances."

The guard apologies. Johnny and Luan just wave him off and give him a tip for his troubles.

"And Madame, you will not be welcome in this store again. You were ready to verbally harass another customer over something that isn't affecting you at all. Now get out."

The woman tries to demand that she speak with the manager, but the guard is adamant that she leave.

"I've already talked to the manager, and he agrees with me. We maintain an inclusive store, and when someone tries to change that, we don't like it. Now leave, before I am forced to call the police."

The woman storms out of the store, shouting obscenities at everyone. The guard rubs his temples, sighing.

"I am sorry again about all this."

He says, looking at the pair.

"It's no trouble mate. I understand the need to take precautions and explore every aspect of something."

Luan replies, handing the guard another $100 before the two of them leave and head home.

When they get there however, they find that the woman from the store has somehow found out where they live and is trying to break in.

Johnny immediately calls the cops, wanting to get this crazy, delusional woman away from his house, friends and loved ones as quickly as possible.

When the police arrive, the woman tries the same tactic that she did in the shop, but after hearing Luan and Johnny's side of the story, they arrest the woman on charges of verbal harassment, stalking with intent to injure, and lying to police.

"We will check out the security camera footage as well. Thank you for being so helpful."

One of the officers tells the group.

Jesse and Jax had come outside as soon as the woman was detained to get the story and comfort their friends and fellow pornstars.

"It's no problem officer. Thank you and your team for coming so quickly."

The police officers leave, taking the crazy woman with them.

Later that night, Luan can't sleep, so he sits on one of the windowsills in the lounge. He can't get that woman out of his head. She was too much like his former female guardian. It's brought back memories that Luan has been trying very, very hard to bury.

He breathes slowly, deeply, trying to calm himself down and get back to happier memories, memories of the fun times he's had with Jax, Jesse and Johnny.

After about half an hour, the memories of his former guardians are buried once again, with only happy memories able to be accessed.

Luan heads back to bed, cuddling back into the pile. Johnny shifts slightly upon feeling Luan re-enter the bed, pulling him against himself.

Luan smiles, nestling into the blankets and closing his eyes, praying for good and happy dreams, rather than nightmares.

The next morning, Johnny takes Luan aside, asking about why he left the bed the night before.

"Memories. That woman yesterday was too much like my former female guardian and it dredged up the memories.

I had to take some time to re-bury those memories and pull the happier ones to the forefront, but I'm okay now."

Luan tells Johnny.

"Okay love, but if it gets too much, let me know."

Johnny sighs, hugging Luan. Luan nods, mumbling 'yeah' against his chest before Johnny lets him go and has to leave for a scene.

Started: 15/02/2023
Finished: 15/02/2023
Edited: 28/06/2023

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