Chapter 7, The Trial

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A few days after the police officer came around, Johnny and Luan receive a summons to court for the trial of Luan's former guardians as witnesses and a victim.

Johnny helps Luan get fitted for a suit, tells him to just tell the pure and absolute truth while in the courtroom, and reminds him that no matter what, he'll be beside him the whole time.

"You know you will Johnny. I've never lied to any of you before, and I don't want to lie to the courts."

Johnny smiles, whispering gentle praises into Luan's skin as he hugs him. Luan melts into Johnny, nuzzling into his neck.

On the day of the trial, Luan is almost sick with nerves, constant 'what if's' going through his mind, making it hard for him to breathe.

Johnny, who has come with him, one because he is a witness as well, and two for support, moves his body to block the view of the courtroom and whispers soothing words to Luan, getting him to calm down.

Soon, Luan's former guardians are brought in and the trial starts.

Over the course of several hours, Luan, Johnny and several other people come forward with tales of abuse or bribery.

When the day is over, the judge says to come back the next day for the sentencing.

Luan's former guardians are glaring daggers at him, causing him to begin curling in on himself. Johnny and a few others realize this and form a protective barrier around him, protecting him from their gazes.

When they get outside, the paparazzi are there, which makes Luan even more nervous, causing him to curl into Johnny's side.

"Luan, do you have time to answer a few questions for us, or would you rather answer them tomorrow?"

One of the news reporters asks, clearly noticing Luan's skittish behaviour and the way that he's clinging onto Johnny.

"C-can I answer them tomorrow please? I just wanna go home."

Luan answers, trying to control his breathing. The news reporters move aside for them, allowing Johnny to get Luan into their car.

"Thanks guys. He'll answer your questions tomorrow. He's just too mentally and emotionally exhausted right now. As long as the sentencing doesn't take too long tomorrow, he'll be happy to answer any questions you have."

Johnny says to the news reporters. They all nod, and Johnny drives the two of them home, where Jax and Jesse are waiting with plenty of cuddles, praise and a nice dinner.

"You did so well today Luan, we're so proud of you. Just relax now sweetheart, just relax. We'll take care of you."

Jax says softly, gently massaging Luan's stiff shoulders while Jesse massages his legs, relaxing his muscles, which are very stiff from being on edge all day.

Luan just melts into their touch, feeling safe, protected and loved, three things he desperately needs to feel after today.

The four of them sleep in a cuddle pile, with Johnny and Jax being the big spoons and Jesse and Luan being the little spoons.

The next day, Johnny and Luan go back to the court for the sentencing.

The judge decides that they both deserve 10 years in a medium security jail, no chance of parole, and they won't be allowed to have a child in their custody ever again.

They are furious and take that anger out by hurling insults at Luan, which, while the words sting slightly, doesn't hurt him.

He never cared about them because of how they treated him, so he doesn't care what they think of him.

On the way out he answers questions for the paparazzi, giving honest and true answers, and even going off on a mini rant about LGBTQIA2+ rights.

When he and Johnny get home, Jesse and Jax are waiting for them, ready with snacks, a movie, blankets, and plenty of cuddles.

"How are you feeling Luan? Do you need anything?"

Jesse asks a while later. Luan shakes his head, nuzzling into Jax, yawning.

"How about we have a little bit of fun later on? I'm sure Luan could use the stress relief and I wanna use Jesse's hole again."

Luan thinks over it for a few moments before nodding, a smile on his face.

"That sounds like a good idea Johnny. Stress relief and fun at the same time. How about we introduce the boys to a few of our toys?"

Jax says, a slight smirk on his face. Luan's clit/cock twitches slightly at the sound of having toys used on him, and by Jesse's expression, he's just as on board with the idea as Luan.

"That sounds like a good idea Jax. What do you boys think? Should we use some toys on you today?"

Both boys nod, their eyes no doubt bright with arousal. Johnny and Jax chuckle at their eager faces.

"Not yet boys. First, we finish the movie."

Jax says, gently moving so that he's sitting between Jesse and Luan, and in prime position to tease them for the rest of the movie.

He gently rubs Jesse and Luan's sensitive nipples, getting them riled up, but not too much.

Johnny, who has realized what Jax is doing, helps by rubbing Jax's nipples as well.

"Man, you three really are eager today. Maybe we should get the toys out early so we can take stock of what we have?"

"That's a good idea Johnny. I wanna see what you've got."

Johnny chuckles as he gets up, going into the guest room closest to the lounge and bringing out a box full of different toys.

There are several dildos of varying thicknesses, a few sets of anal beads, some vibrators, a few cock rings, some nipple clamps, and a few different gags.

"Comb through and find what you want boys. Choose wisely."

Jesse ends up choosing a dildo about Jax's thickness and a set of nipple clamps. Luan chooses a set of anal beads, a vibrator and a basic gag.

"Good choices boys. Now, let's get to business.

Started: 14/02/2023
Finished: 14/02/2023
Edited: 01/09/2023

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