Chapter 3, Meeting Other People

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3rd POV

A few weeks after the Speedway conversation, Johnny asks Luan if it would be okay if he brought a couple of his friends around.

"I know that I own the place, but because you're still a bit new here, and you haven't had the best time over the last three years, I want to make sure that you're comfortable with new people being around you."

He says as he watches Luan preparing the ingredients for their dinner that night. A few days after the conversation, Luan started making dinner for the four of them using recipes that his Mum used to make.

He said it was because he was getting sick of the take out and he wanted to make sure that everyone had a decent meal more than once a week, but it's more about him wanting to give back to Johnny and the others for giving him a new start, and people he can trust.

Luan thinks over what Johnny is asking, before smiling, wanting to meet some of Johnny's friends for himself. The guy always talks very highly of them, so Luan wants to meet them.

"Of course you can. Do you know if they're going to stay for dinner? Just in case I need to prepare more ingredients."

Jonhny laughs quietly, happy that Luan is willing to be around his friends, and amused by the question he just asked.

"I'm not completely sure buddy, but I will ask them. Man, I still can't get over how good you look in the kitchen. Your movements are like poetry in motion. I love how you keep to one area for cutting all the vegetables and another area for the meat."

Luan chuckles, smiling affectionately at Johnny, something that has become a common sight.

"I used to help my Mum cook dinner every so often, so I'm used to working my way around a kitchen. She always told me to never, ever cut raw meat in the same place you chop your vegetables, even if you're gonna cook them together."

Johnny smiles and nods, understanding what Luan is saying. He then grabs his phone, texting a couple of his closest friends, Michael Boston and Daniel Hausser, asking if they're gonna stay for dinner.

A few moments later, both of them reply with a 'yes', so he relays that information to Luan.

"Alright then, could you get me another capsicum, zucchini and a couple more mushrooms, then we should have plenty of the mix. We'll need another bag of pasta, but we've got about five in the cupboard."

Johnny chuckles softly as Luan reviews what he'll need to do, as he goes to get the extra vegetables for him.

Jax and Jesse, who have been watching from the lounge, smile at each other.

"Luan's really come a long way over the last few weeks. He's not as skittish as he used to be around you and Johnny, and he's more open about himself to the three of us.

And now he's willing to meet some of Johnny's friends. Maybe one day he might even be in a scene with us."

Luan, hearing what Jesse has just said, chuckles.

"That's a way away yet Jesse. While my trust in Jax and Johnny had come a long way, being in scenes is something that needs a bit more trust yet.

Now, if you're not too busy, could you set up a pot of salty water on the stove for me?"

The three men laugh at the casual change of conversation, confusing Johnny when he returns with the extra vegetables.

"What y'all laughin' about?"

Jax tells Johnny about the conversation that just occurred while Jesse gets the water and salt into a pot for Luan.

The four men continue bantering back and forth between themselves as Luan prepares their dinner, until the doorbell rings.

Johnny goes to answer the door while Jax and Jesse keep an eye on Luan, who has begun to 'mask up'.

"Luan, you don't need to put on your mask. These guys are really nice. Just breathe, okay. We'll be right there the whole time."

Jesse says, rubbing Luan's arm, calming down the nervous boy. Luan takes a deep breath and stops 'masking' and by the time Johnny brings Daniel and Michael into the kitchen, Luan is back to his usual self.

"Luan, this is Daniel, and this is Michael."

Johnny introduces the still-slightly-nervous boy to his two friends, pointing to each of them in turn, so that Luan can know who's who.

"Guys, this is Luan, the boy I was telling you about. He's made us a wonderful dinner for a bit later."

The blondie, Daniel, smiles reassuringly at the smaller man, offering his hand to shake, but not forcing it, remembering what Johnny has told him.

"It's very nice to meet you Luan. Johnny has talked very highly of you and your cooking."

Luan laughs, shaking Daniel's hand.

"I'm glad to hear it Daniel. I hope my cooking will live up to the hype."

The black-hair, Michael, chuckles, also sticking his hand out.

"I'm sure it will. It smells amazing."

Luan shakes Michael's hand as well, thanking him.

"Shall we go into the living room?"

Johnny suggests, and the group migrates there, where they begin talking about anything and everything, Luan mostly just listening but occasionally adding his two cents.

Dinner is a big hit, and Daniel jokes that he could have Luan's cooking every single day, causing Luan to blush slightly, especially when Michael agrees.

At about 9:30, Michael and Daniel leave, seeing how tired Luan is becoming.

After a round of goodbye hugs, with consent from Luan, the two guests leave, and Johnny tucks Luan into bed, where he quickly falls asleep.

Started: 12/02/2023
Finished: 12/02/2023
Edited: 13/02/2023, 22/02/2023, 01/09/2023

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