Chapter 11, The 21st Birthday

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A year after Luan's first Pride Parade, he turns 21.

In the days leading up to the big day, Jesse managed to get in contact with some of Luan's childhood friends, and give them an invite.

So far, all of them have said that they will come, which is good.

Johnny has been planning how the party will go, and been buying all the decorations for it.

Jax has been discreetly asking Luan what he wants, and making a careful note of what he wants so he can buy it.

Luan, while mostly in the dark, is not completely clueless. He knows that they are planning something big for him, but he doesn't care that much.

He's just happy that he's with people who are willing to celebrate his birthdays with him.

On the morning of his twenty first, he is gently woken by Jesse, Jax and Johnny, who are singing him Happy birthday. He smiles, sitting up in bed.

"Happy birthday little one. You've grown up so much."

Jax says, hugging the younger male, smiling when he nuzzles into him the same way he always does. Jesse and Johnny join in on the group hug, smiling broadly.

After Luan has gotten dressed, they head downstairs, where there is a large pile of presents and a large breakfast, with all of Luan's favourite breakfast foods.

"Guys, thank you so much. You didn't have to do all this."

Luan says, his eyes filling up with tears of joy at the sight of everything they've already done.

Johnny hugs him from behind, pressing a kiss to his neck.

"We didn't have to, but we really wanted to love. You have brought so much light into our lives over the last three years, we decided that you deserved a day that is just as special as you."

Luan turns around in Johnny's arms, wrapping the older man in a hug, tears of joy building up.

"Do you wanna do presents first, or have breakfast first?"

Jax asks. Luan thinks for a moment, then decides on the food.

Johnny puts a little bit of everything on Luan's plate and hands it to him, smiling the entire time.

Jesse and Jax do the dishes despite Luan's protests.

"Lu, it's your birthday. We aren't gonna let you do any chores today. Just sit back and enjoy being pampered."

Jesse says, smiling at his fellow twink. Luan nods and heads over to where Johnny is, turning on some music.

Luan opens his gifts, growing happier and happier with each one. Each of them is something that he's told Jax he would be happy receiving today.

He gives all three men a massive hug, forcing himself to not cry tears of joy.

Over the course of the day, the four men do whatever Luan wants to do, and at about 4:30, the doorbell rings.

Luan answers it, and is completely surprised to see his childhood friends standing on the doorstep.

"Hey man, it's been a while."

His oldest friend, Damien, comments, his other friends, Athan, Luther and Joshua nodding along, smiles on their faces, gifts in their hands.

Luan invites them all in, hugging each and every one of them.

After gifts are opened, the group of friends takes the time to catch up. Damien, Athan, Luther and Joshua haven't seen their friend since their graduation, so they have a lot of catching up to do.

Luan tells them about his time with Johnny, Jax and Jesse, leaving out the parts where they've had sex of course.

"Wow man, you've certainly had a life-style change huh."

Joshua says at the end of Luan's story. The entire group laughs at his statement.

"You could say that Josh. I am grateful for Johnny, Jesse and Jax. They've been so good to me over the last three years.

How've you four been? What've you been up to?"

Each of the others take turns talking about their lives, making Luan smile. Johnny, Jax and Jesse watch from the kitchen, happy that Luan is able to reconnect with his friends after all this time.

After story-telling, it's time for cake. Luan wishes for happiness, not just for himself, but for his friends, Jax, Johnny and Jesse as well.

The group then play a variety of party games for a good two hours before Luan's friends have to leave because of their jobs.

The group exchange numbers before anyone leaves, and vow to keep in contact with each other from now on.

Luan is smiling so much, his face hurts, but he doesn't care. He has had the best birthday he's had since his parents died.

"I'm glad that you had so much fun today love. You deserve nothing but the best."

Johnny says, smiling at Luan.

"You, Jax and Jesse deserve the best too, Johnny. I love you three so much."

The other three smile at Luan, and after the clean up is finished, they sit down and watch a few movies, cuddled up on the couch.

After the movies are finished, the four men start getting ready for bed, worn out from the day.

"Oh, Luan, before I forget, we are scheduled for a scene tomorrow, and it's going to be a family roleplay. Is that okay?"

Johnny says just before the group settles down for the night.

Luan thinks it over, before shrugging.

"I think it could be pretty interesting. I can't wait."

Johnny, Jax and Jesse agree with him, before good nights are exchanged along with a few kisses, and the group settles down for the night.

Started: 15/02/2023
Finished: 15/02/2023
Edited: 01/09/2023

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