Chapter 8, Stress Relief And Fun

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Johnny and Jax tell Luan and Jesse to shower and clean everywhere, thoroughly.

They help clean each other up, making sure that every single area on each other is perfectly clean. They even help each other shave their groins and holes.

"I'm glad Johnny was the one forced to sign that contract. You guys have been so good to me over the last year.

After my parents died, and I was given to those bastards, I never thought I would find happiness again.

However, you three have given me a reason to keep going, you have given me happiness. I'm grateful for it every single day."

Jesse smiles at Luan, who is currently washing his stomach.

"I'm glad you feel that way Lu. Come on, let's not keep Johnny and Jax waiting."

Luan laughs, and finishes washing Jesse's stomach, before they turn off the water and help each other dry off properly.

Then, they head into the bedroom, where Johnny and Jax are just finishing setting up two different sets of handcuffs which are hanging from the ceiling from a bolt set into one of the support beams.

The Doms turn to their Subs, smiling when they see just how clean and smooth they are.

"Well done boys. Now, Luan, are you okay with handcuffs, or would you prefer to use rope, or another material?"

Jax asks, mostly because they've never used handcuffs before, and don't know if handcuffs are included in Luan's 'No go'.

"I'd like to try the handcuffs today please Daddy. If it gets too much, I will use my safeword."

"And what is your safeword little one?"

Johnny asks, making sure that Luan remembers the word he chose in case something got too much during a scene.

"Conclusion, Sir."

Luan replies with. Johnny nods, before both he and Jax go into Dom mode. They get Jesse and Luan into the cuffs before placing Luan's gag in his mouth and Jesse's clamps on his nipples.

Jesse immediately starts whimpering quietly, the clamps sending sparks of pleasure through him. Jax chuckles, running his hands over Jesse's body.

Johnny begins carefully inserting the anal beads into Luan's ass, stopping briefly after each one to make sure it's not getting too much for him.

Once the last bead is in, Johnny stands in front of Luan, looking deep into his eyes, searching for any sign of reluctance.

Finding none, he grabs the vibrator, puts some play gel on it to intensify the experience, and sets it onto Luan's clit/cock before turning it on, at the lowest setting.

Luan gasps behind the gag, his hips moving slightly at the new, extremely pleasent sensation on his clit/cock.

The play gel is intensifying the vibrations just enough that they are making him leak, but not so much that it's overwhelming.

Johnny removes the gag, wanting to hear Luan's moans. Luan let's out a moan the instant the gag is removed, relaxing against the chains, giving himself fully over to his Dom.

Luan glances briefly over at Jax and Jesse, seeing that Jesse is writhing against his bonds, his face alight with pleasure. Jax is currently gently fucking him with the dildo he'd picked out, and is whispering in his ear, probably talking dirty to him.

Johnny notices Luan's brief glance and smirks, clicking the button on the vibrator to up the vibrations just a little bit.

Luan's eyes fly open and a gasp slips from his lips. His eyes roll back as the higher vibrations, combined with the play gel, send shockwaves of pleasure through his pussy.

"Do you like that little one? Does that feel good on your cock?"

Johnny asks breathily in Luan's ear. Luan nods, moaning through his lips, a smile of contentment and pleasure on his face.

"I wonder what would happen if I put play gel on those pretty nipples of yours? Would you like that?"

Luan moans loudly at the thought of the tingling gel being on his sensitive nipples, and nods, breathing out multiple 'yes's and 'please's.

Jax, having heard what Johnny is planning for the youngest member of their group, smirks, looking at Jesse, wondering the same thing.

"Hey, Jax, why don't we switch boys, and you can have some fun with Luan here. Don't forget about the play gel."

Jax laughs, shoving the dildo up Jesse's hole once more, and getting him to hold it there as best he can.

Johnny turns the vibrator off and removes it from Luan's clit/cock, but the play gel keeps him horny and desperate for play.

Johnny removes the nipple clamps from Jesse's nipples, causing the younger man to groan as the blood flows back into them, making them really sensitive.

Jax puts some play gel on his fingers and starts gently rubbing it onto Luan's nipples. The tingling sensation of the gel on his sensitive nipples causes Luan to moan out loud and arch his back, trying to press his chest into Jax's hand.

"Easy now baby boy. Just let Daddy take care of you. I'll get you there, don't worry."

Jax whispers to Luan, running his hand over his face. Luan nuzzles into his hand, relaxing completely.

Johnny does the same thing with Jesse, however because Jesse's nipples are more sensitive than usual, he starts leaking precum the instant the gel hits his nipples.

"Please, Sir, just let me cum, please Sir, I need it."

Jesse begs, eyes rolling back into his head.

"What do you think Jax? Should we let our boys cum?"

Johnny asks his fellow Dom, smirking as he strokes his own dick.

"I think so. They need it. Besides, don't you want to see them cum?"

"Good point. Use the vibrator on Luan, and pull the beads out of him, slowly."

Jax does so, carefully pulling each bead out of Luan's asshole while carefully rubbing the vibrator over Luan's clit/cock.

Johnny fucks Jesse with the dildo roughly while stroking his cock.

These actions push both boys into orgasm, both of them cumming hard and fast.

Jax and Johnny cum watching their boys in the throes of ecstacy.

As soon as they're down from their highs, Johnny and Jax untie both boys, and immediately start aftercare, with cleaning them up, praising them, and rubbing cream into their wrists.

"Thank you Sir, thank you Daddy. That was amazing."

Jesse and Luan say at the exact same time. Johnny and Jax smile at their sleepy boys, who are currently snuggled into them.

"That's alright little ones. Now, get some sleep. We love you."

"We love you too Daddy, Sir. Good night."

Started: 14/02/2023
Finished: 15/02/2023
Edited: 01/09/2023

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