Chapter 2, Love and Affection

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3rd POV

It's been about a week since Luan was sold to Johnny, and while he is still slightly nervous around Johnny and Jax, he has formed a close bond with Jesse.

Usually during the day, at least one of them is home to help take care of Luan, who, due to the absurd amount of sedative, is still a bit unsteady on his feet from time to time, but he's mostly recovered.

Johnny always makes sure that Luan has plenty of painkillers to help with the frequent headaches as well as plenty of food before heading off to scenes, and whenever he comes home, he always greets Jesse and Luan with either a kiss on the top of the head (with verbal consent) or a gentle cuddle (again, with verbal consent).

Jax, although he is often at scenes, always finds time for Luan and Jesse, to talk with them, cuddle with them, or just watch TV. He always makes sure to get verbal consent from them, especially Luan, because he knows just how important consent is in helping to build a trusting relationship.

Jesse is around often, so the two of them have grown quite close. Luan often tells them about his life before his parents died, speaking fondly of all the fun times he had with his parents.

"I always loved going to the Speedway car races with my Dad. He took me as often as he could. It was one of the many father-son things we used to do together. I was going since I was a baby."

He says to Jesse one day while the other two are at a collective scene.

"What was it like? I've never been to one before."

Jesse asks, wanting to know more about Luan's favourite past time.

"Well, from memory, the Superstocks have a roaring quality to them. The Ministocks have more of a hum. The salons have a purring sound, still pretty loud. The modified Sprintcars have more of a growl. Sidecar motorbikes have a slightly lighter sound than normal bikes.

However, my favourite races were always the Demolition Derbies. They were always so much fun to watch.

The races could go for as many as 50 laps sometimes, and you had to be careful where you sat, otherwise you could very well get hit with dirt from the track.

The crashes that sometimes happened could be minor, meaning nothing came out of it, moderate, where a car or two would have to get towed off the track, or major, where something went really wrong.

I loved it. The Speedways have given me some of my fondest memories of my Dad."

Luan finishes with a slight yawn.

"That sounds amazing. You said that they happen in summer, right?"

Jesse asks, already thinking of a really good present to give to Luan, and it could help him bond better with Jax and Johnny.

"Yeah. It's the best time of year for it usually."

"Great. Hey, why don't you get some sleep? The others won't be home for quite a while yet."

Luan nods and cuddles up to Jesse, smiling as he drops off.

Jesse grabs his phone from the table beside the couch and opens YouTube.

He wants to learn more about Speedway cars, and about how it runs, especially since they seem so important to Luan.

He finds a channel with some really good videos and, with his volume on low, begins watching them.

He learns so much over the time that Luan is asleep. He wonders if the other two would enjoy this the same way he is beginning to, the way Luan already does.

The instant he sees Luan's eyes open properly, he shuts off his phone and smiles at him.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

Luan nods, yawning slightly. He smiles up at Jesse before asking what he was watching.

"I was watching some Speedway videos on YouTube to learn more about the motorsport."

Luan's smile widens as he nuzzles into Jesse.

"Thank you for doing that Jesse. You didn't have too."

Jesse smiles in return, gently rubbing Luan's arm.

"I know, but I wanted to. You sounded so happy talking about Speedway, so I decided to learn about it. I have no doubt that Jax would also enjoy it. Maybe Johnny too."

Luan sits up slowly and stretches just in time for the front door to open and Johnny and Jax to come inside, looking a bit tired.

"Hey guys, how was your scene?"

Luan asks, stifling another yawn. Jax smiles and, after asking permission, sits down between Luan and Jesse, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders, allowing them to cuddle into him if they so desire.

"The scene was good, nothing too crazy. Hey, how about, after the two of us are cleaned off, we can get something in for dinner?

None of us really feel like cooking tonight."

"Sounds good to me. I'll take the first shower."

After everyone has showered and changed, they order in pizza, and with Luan's permission, Jesse tells Johnny and Jax about Speedway and the meaning it has to Luan.

"They sound like a butt-load of fun to me. How about I see if there's anything going on somewhere close by and we can go watch one?"

Luan's face lights up in a way that it hasn't for years.

"Thank you Johnny."

The other three men smile at Luan's expression.

"It's no trouble Luan. Now, let's finish eating, shall we?"

And after a night of fun and laughter, Luan falls asleep in his bed, feeling content and happy.

Started: 11/02/2023
Finished: 12/02/2023
Edited: 13/02/2023, 22/02/2023, 01/09/2023, 22/03/2024

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