Chapter 5, Trying New Things

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Johnny watches over Luan and Jesse while the two of them toss a football around in the backyard.

Luan has come quite a long way over the 9 months he's been with them. The four of them had celebrated Luan's nineteenth birthday not too long ago, and since then, Luan has really started coming out of his shell around Johnny and Jax.

Luan and Jesse can often be found together whenever Jesse's home from scenes, reading, tossing a ball around, watching TV, talking or just sitting together, not talking or doing anything other than cuddling.

Jax and Johnny are really happy that Luan is beginning to accept their affection.

And the first scene was an amazing success. However, today, Johnny and Jax want to give Luan and Jesse something very special.

They want to give the boys special vibrating plugs that the older males can control using remotes.

Johnny has no idea how Luan will feel about this, but he wants to try it. However, if Luan says no, then that's that.

However, that can wait for a while. The boys are having fun, which is more important to Johnny, and Jax is out at a scene.

After a while, Luan notices Johnny watching him and Jesse, sparking an idea in his mind.

Jesse, noticing the twinkle in Luan's eye, smirks.

"What're you planning, and can I help?"

Luan beckons Jesse over to him, and whispers his plan.

"So, we should get the hose and when Johnny's least expecting it, spray him with water."

Jesse claps a hand to his face to try and disguise his laughter as he nods, eager to have some fun.

Johnny, who has completely zoned out, happy memories at the forefront of his mind, is utterly unprepared for the gush of cold water that soaks him.

He springs back to the present, the sound of Luan and Jesse's laughter filtering into his ears.

He looks at the twinks, noticing the hose in Luan's hand.

"Oh, you little buggers. I'll get you for that!"

Johnny says, a smile on his face. Luan smirks, aiming the hose back at him and squirting him again.

For a good few hours, the three men run around, spraying each other with the hose, and just having a good time.

When Jax arrives home, he leans against the doorway of the ranch slider, smiling, as he watches the three most important men in his life having fun.

Not long after, Jesse, Johnny and Luan stop messing around and head inside, greeting Jax with kisses. Once they're dry, Johnny and Jax explain their idea to the boys.

Luan's eyes light up at the thought of the plugs, and Jesse lets out a little whimper.

"So, would you two like to try this?"

Jax asks, wanting verbal conformation before fetching the plugs.

"Yes, Daddy, please."

Both boys say, Luan rubbing his thighs together, trying to ease the twitching.

"Come here Luan, let me take care of you."

Johnny opens his arms, allowing the younger male to crawl into his lap. Johnny gently pushes Luan's oversized shirt up while Jesse grabs the lube.

Luan spreads his legs, allowing Johnny to gently rub his clit/cock, moaning lightly at the stimulation.

Jax soon returns with the plugs, smiling at the sight before him. He sits on the couch beside Jonny, pulling Jesse onto his lap.

The older males lube the vibrators generously and slide them into Luan and Jesse's holes.

Jax and Johnny then turn the vibrators on, setting the remotes down nearby so that they can rub their boys' cocks.

Luan and Jesse are squirming, loving the feelings that the vibrators are giving them, especially since they are pressing on their sweet spots.

"You like this Luan? You like having a vibrator up your soft pussy while I rub your cock?"

Johnny asks in his sexy voice. Luan nods, breathy 'yes's accompanying each nod.

Jax asks the same question to Jesse before taking a nipple into his mouth.

Both boys are writhing against their Doms, desperate to cum, but not quite being able to reach it.

Over the course of a couple of hours, Johnny and Jax keep edging their twinks, getting them close to the edge before turning the vibrators off.

By the time the sun has set, both boys are dripping, begging to be allowed to cum.

"What do you think Jax, should we let them cum?"

Johnny asks, gently rubbing Luan's clit/cock. Jax pretends to look thoughtful, slowly stroking Jesse's cock.

"Yeah. They've been so good for us."

With that, both males turn up the vibrators, and up the speed of their hands, pushing their boys over the edge.

Luan even squirts for the first time ever, his hips going wild, very nearly pitching him off of Johnny's lap.

"Easy now baby, I've got you. You did so well little one. I'm so proud of you."

Johnny murmurs into Luan's ear as he comes down from his high, distractedly noticing Jax doing the same thing with Jesse.

After a good few minutes, both twinks are coherent enough to thank their Doms, nuzzling into them.

"Thank you Sir, thank you Daddy. That was so much fun."

Jesse and Luan say at the same time, pressing a gentle kiss to their Doms.

"You're welcome boys. Now, why don't you two head to bed? We'll be along as soon as we've taken care of ourselves."

Johnny suggests, pressing a kiss of his own against Luan's forehead. The twinks nod, supporting each other as they stumble down the hall to their bedroom.

Johnny and Jax jerk each other off and clean up a bit before heading to bed, cuddling around their twinks.

Started: 22/02/2023
Finished: 1/03/2023
Edited: 31/03/2023, 01/09/2023, 22/03/2024

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