Chapter 6, Opportunity To Heal

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About a year has passed since Luan was first sold to Johnny, and he has flourished in a way that he never thought possible.

He has formed a very close relationship with Jax, Johnny and Jesse, and he has been able to move on from what his guardians did to him.

He does scenes once a week, with Jax, Johnny, Jesse, or all three, and spends the rest of the time up keeping the house.

He has all but forgotten about the guardians that made his life hell, however, one day, while all four men are at home, having some down time together, the doorbell rings.

Johnny gets up to answer it, Luan close behind. When Johnny opens the door, there is a police officer standing there.

"Good afternoon officer, can I help you?"

"Yes, is Luan Drago here? There's something he needs to know. It's about his previous guardians."

Luan steps out from behind Johnny, nervously wringing his hands.

"What's going on officer?"

Johnny, immediately noticing Luan's nervous energy, wraps an arm around his waist, pulling him into his side.

"Your guardians were arrested in the early hours of this morning because they were abusing a child that they were babysitting.

They said to talk to you and that you could bail them out. Is that true?"

Johnny's eyes go wide at that last part as he tries to hold in a scoff.

Luan just rests his head on Johnny's shoulder, breathing deeply. This is his chance to come clean about the abuse he'd suffered.

"I won't bail them out. The child they were babysitting isn't the only child they've abused."

The police officer starts recording what Luan says, wondering what the boy is going to say, and how much longer the guardians' prison stint is going to be. After taking a deep breath, Luan tells the officer everything.

"I was placed with them when I was fifteen because none of my parents preferred potential guardians were available. For three years, I was abused, mentally, emotionally and physically.

They tried to stop me from transitioning from my female body into this one, but because my parents had already paid for my hormone therapy, they couldn't do anything about it.

I took after-school classes to avoid being around them after school for as long as possible.

When I turned eighteen, I used some of the money that I had inherited from my parents to pay for my top surgery."

Luan tells the police officer, watching his mouth drop open in disbelief as he records what Luan has just told him. Johnny decides to share his own experience with Luan's former guardians.

"Just after he graduated, his female guardian approached me, saying that they wanted to be rid of him, and shoved a sale contract into my hands, saying that if I didn't sign it, they would kill Luan and make it look like an accident.

They also made me pay for all the food and clothing that they had purchased for Luan over the three years he was with them, and then double it.

His female guardian drugged him with a sedative the day we arrived to pick him up, giving him way too much. I was worried for about three hours as to whether he'd wake up at all.

The first thing I told him aside from my name and the names of my friends, was that he would be free to leave any time he wanted to."

The police officer looks like he is about to go into shock for a few seconds before he shuts off the recording and rubs his face.

"Thank you both for being truthful. With this evidence, we might just be able to extend their prison stint. If we need you for a trial, we will contact you. Have a good day."

"Thank you officer. I hope you have a better day."

Jonny says, keeping his arm around Luan.

They watch as the police car drives away, and then return to the couch, where Jax and Jesse are waiting.

Jax, after opening his arms to him to guage what he wants, pulls Luan into his lap for a much-needed cuddle.

"You were so brave little one. I'm so proud of you. Now those two are going to be put away for a long time. If they've fostered or taken care of other children and abused them, if they come forward, then they might have an even longer sentence again."

Luan nods, yawning, as he snuggles into Jax's chest, making biscuits with one hand on his pec. Jesse, who is cuddled up with Johnny, smiles at Luan's habit.

Whenever he's particularly tired, he tends to cuddle and make biscuits while he cuddles. It's rather adorable, especially since he only does it with Jax, Johnny and Jesse.

"How about we just do a simple dinner tonight? You're mentally exhausted, and none of us feel like cooking."

Johnny suggests, running his hand through Jesse's hair. Luan nods, another yawn slipping from his mouth.

Jax smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Luan's head before pulling a blanket around the four of them.

Without even realizing it, Luan and Jesse drop off, snuggled against their Doms. Jax and Johnny just continue watching TV, cuddling their little ones.

"Ya know Johnny, I never thought, when Luan first got here, that we would have a bond with him like we do now, and how much better off we are for it."

Jax states after a while. Johnny nods, smiling down at Jesse and Luan.

"I agree Jax. I honestly thought that once he'd recovered from the sedative, he would've taken off, but he didn't, and I'm glad for it."

Jax nods along with what Johnny is saying, watching the two boys sleep.

That night, after a simple dinner, Jesse and Luan are tucked in early, and sleep like logs.

Started: 13/02/2023
Finished: 14/02/2023
Edited: 01/09/2023

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