Chapter 10, First Pride Parade

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On the first day of June that year, Johnny and Jax start putting up different Pride decorations around the house, which makes Luan and Jesse smile.

The two twinks help out on occasion, but mostly watch and listen to different Pride music.

"Have you ever been to a Pride Parade?"

Jesse asks Luan one morning as the two of them are making breakfast for themselves, Jax and Johnny.

"No, I haven't, but I've always wanted to. I was planning on going to one when I turned eighteen, but of course, my parents dying and my former guardians ruined that plan, and it never really crossed my mind again before now."

Luan replies, thinking about the conversation he'd had with one of his old friends. The two of them had been walking to school when they'd started discussing it.

Both of them wanted to go to a Pride Parade as soon as they were able to after turning eighteen. However, everything changed after Luan's parents died.

Jesse glances at Luan during his silence, noticing the slightly glazed look, indicating that he's deep in one of his more pleasent childhood memories.

He smiles, happy that Luan is now able to look back on his childhood without feeling grief because of what happened to his parents.

After a couple of moments, Jax and Johnny come into the kitchen, rubbing their eyes.

"Good morning guys. Hope you two slept well."

Luan says, a cheeky grin on his face. Jesse notices, and tilts his head slightly. Luan makes a motion with his hand that says,

'I'll tell you later.'

and continues making breakfast.

"We slept really well. Thank you both for making breakfast. Hey, there's supposed to be a Pride Parade going on in town, do you two wanna check it out?"

Johnny asks, completely unaware of the conversation Jesse and Luan were just having.

They both chuckle slightly before re-composing themselves.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun Johnny. Let's have breakfast, and then we can get ready to go."

Luan says, putting some food on each of the four plates that are sitting on the bench. Jesse places each of them on the table once Luan has finished putting food on them.

And after a bit of cleaning up, the two twinks sit down with their Doms to start eating.

However, just as Johnny sits down, a loud fart-like sound rips through the air. Johnny jumps up and grabs the whoopie cushion off the seat and looks over at the twinks, both of whom are laughing hard.

Jax chuckles at his friends' misfortune, shaking his head in amusement. Johnny tries to stay stern, but a few seconds later, he starts laughing too.

Once the four men have calmed themselves down, they eat their breakfast and disperse to get ready for Pride.

Jesse and Luan both decide to put on slightly tight black jeans and a black leather harness each.

While Jesse's helping Luan put his on, he brings up the prank.

"How did you know Johnny would sit where he did?"

Luan smirks, replying with,

"I didn't. Between him and Jax, it was a 50/50 bet. I am glad it got Johnny though. His expression when the cushion went off... Priceless."

The twinks laugh again before they head into the lounge, where Jax and Johnny are waiting for them.

Johnny has gone with black jeans as well, along with a t-shirt with his logo on it, and Jax is wearing a pair of bondage pants with a leather harness of his own.

Both men whistle at the sight of their twinks.

"You two look very sexy. Good choices."

Jax praises, ruffling their hair. Luan smiles, shoving Jax playfully.

"Not lookin' too bad yourself Daddy."

Johnny laughs lightly, happy that Luan is being so playful with them. He knows that Luan was behind the prank this morning, but he won't punish the boy for it.

"Okay you three. Luan, Jesse, while we're out, stick close to us, and Luan, if it gets too much, just say so, and we'll come home."

"Of course Sir. I'll be sure to let you know."

Luan affirms. With that, the group heads out to Luan's very first Pride Parade.

Luan is amazed by the different colours, ethnicities, sounds, smells, sights, displays, everything.

He has an amazing time, smiling and laughing along with Jesse. The group occasionally runs into one of Jax or Johnny's other co-workers, but never stop for long.

They watch a few different scenes that are going on around the town, check out several different shops that are only around during Pride Month, pick out a couple of new toys to use during playtime, and even engage in a small scene of their own.

By sunset, Luan is exhausted, but extremely content. He has finally witnessed his first Pride Parade, with people who care about him, and he has had an amazing time doing it.

Johnny and Jax cook dinner while Jesse and Luan cuddle together on the couch, discussing the day, talking about their favourite parts, wondering what next year would bring, all sorts.

And after dinner, the four of them watch a few different Pride themed movies while munching on popcorn and other snacks.

"How are you feeling Luan? Was it everything you hoped for?"

Johnny asks the younger male as they're getting ready for bed.

"Everything I'd hoped for and so much more. I feel like I have accomplished something I would never get to accomplish. Thank you Johnny."

Luan replies around a yawn.

"That's perfectly alright love. Now, let's get some sleep, huh. Who knows what tomorrow will bring."

Johnny says, pressing a kiss to Luan's forehead.

Started: 15/02/2023
Finished: 15/02/2023
Edited: 01/09/2023

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