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(Part 2 of story group "A Normal")

The race was starting in 10 minutes. Tonight's race had Tommy, Ranboo, Hannah, and Ponk. The cars were lined in their spots as the racers got ready. Tommy was off to the side, talking with Techno. Ranboo was leaning on the the side of their car facing the crowd. They scanned the many faces, but none of them belonged to Tubbo

Ranboo sighed, still having a little hope that the short feisty mechanic would show up to cheer them on. They did another sweep but their eyes caught Aimsey, who was right in front of the crowd. They waved to Ranboo and he waved back. "Cheering for you!" She yelled. "Thanks!" They responded. 

Then, the race was about to start, still no sign off Tubbo. Ranboo frowned a little and started their engine. They didn't have any high hopes exactly. "Good luck big man!" Tommy yelled at Ranboo from inside his car. "Likewise!" Ranboo said. Three, two, one. The racers sped off. 

-1 hour before the race-

At the garage, Tubbo had just given Charlie, also known as 'Slime' because of how wild he could drift while racing, the car piece he needed. Charlie paid Tubbo and waved goodbye. "I could probably make the race tonight!" Tubbo thought, glancing over at the clock on the wall. Before he could reach for his coat, a dark green car with white smiley faces on the hubcaps rolled into the garage. 

Outside, a orange car with flames was parked. Sapnap and Karl got out of the orange car and stopped next to the green car. Karl waved politely and Sapnap looked annoyed to be there. Dream and George stepped out of the green car and stood next to Sapnap and Karl. 

"What can I do for you?" Tubbo asked. "My car's engine is malfunctioning a little and I have a race tomorrow. You think you could fix it by morning?" Dream said. Tubbo and Dream are cousins but they have never talked before. Heck, they haven't even met face to face before. 

"I-i- I mean I definitely could. Maybe before morning actually. But why come to me? Don't you high rank racers get your cars fixed at Sam's?" Tubbo said, grabbing a tiny notepad and pencil and wrote down what he needed to fix. 

"We would usually go there but Sam is going out of town for the month. We didn't even know this place existed until we heard Fundy say to Wilbur that someone was a great mechanic. I remembered my car's engine wasn't working properly so I asked where I could find this mechanic and here we are. I didn't think it'd be you though." Dream said, eyeing Tubbo. 

Tubbo put the notepad and pencil back on a small table. "I'll assure you I'm experienced." Tubbo said to Dream. "Have you fixed the cars of people we know? We need to trust you." George said politely. "Yeah, I think. I've fixed the cars of Charlie, Wilbur, Techno, Phil, Purpled...." Tubbo tried to think of other racers the group would know. 

"Oh yeah! And of course Quackity." Tubbo said. Sapnap and Karl's faces dropped. Tubbo knew they dated his mom for a while. Of course they didn't know Tubbo was Quackity's son. "And I've fixed aunt Puffy's car." Tubbo finished. "Oh wait. Now I remember you. Your my cousin. I've only seen photo's of you. Never thought you would also be in the car business. "Everyone in my damn family was probably in the fucking racing business." Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"Wait, so you guys are related?" Karl asked. "Yeah. We have never met formally before though." Dream shrugged. "So, back to car talk. Your engine is being a little wonky. For a fix like that...uhhh... I have the stuff to fix it already so no extra cost. I'll fix it for 100 dollars." Tubbo said. "Deal." Dream said. "I'll be able to fix pretty quick though. An hour tops. You guys can just hang around if you'd like." Tubbo said, grabbing a tool box to start on Dream's car. 

Dream handed Tubbo the money. Tubbo put on music through his blue tooth speaker as he started working. The group wasn't far, they were standing in a corner with a work table and a few shelves. "This place is kinda cool." Karl said, looking at the many posters, flyers and other things hanging on the walls. "Yeah." George said. They looked at the work bench and shelves covered with things that weren't car related. 

There were lots of little trinkets, letters, notes, photos (some framed, some hung above the work table), and other random things. The biggest photo was of Tubbo and two other people. "Isn't that Techno's little brother?" Sapnap pointed at Tommy, who was on the right side with a big smile and arm around Tubbo. 

"Oh, it is." Karl said. "I don't know who that person is though. I think their a racer." Karl pointed at Ranboo, who was on the left side with his arm around Tubbo also. The four scoured the photos and much more. After a few minutes of talking about the photos, Sapnap fell silent and his smile dropped. "Karl..." He said. "Yeah?" Karl smiled as the group turned their attention to Sapnap. 

He pointed to a medium sized photo with three people in it. The photo consisted of Schlatt, Quackity and a child Tubbo. Tubbo stood in the middle of the two adults and in neat script, Sapnap could recognize a mile away was at the bottom. It said 'Very pog family photo :]'. "Holy shit. Quackity is Tubbo's dad?" George said. 

"There's no other explanation. I think." Karl frowned. "Why would he never tell us?" Sapnap said, sadly. "I knew Schlatt was his dad but I didn't know Quackity was Tubbo's dad." Dream said. "Hey!" Tubbo said, approaching the group. "I fixed your car." Tubbo said happily. "Thanks Tubbo." Dream smiled. "Any time." He said.

The group went back to their cars and drove off. Tubbo smiled and put his tool's away. He looked at the clock at his face turned into pure horror. "FUCK! I FORGOT RANBOO AND TOMMY'S RACE!" He screamed, grabbing his coat and phone. He ran out the door as fast as possible. 

-Back To The Race-

Ranboo crossed the finish line first as the crowd cheered, Aimsey the loudest. The other racers crossed the finish line a few seconds later. They got out of their cars and waved to the crowd. "There goes my streak." Tommy said, dramatically. "Heh. You've been bested." Ranboo smirked and Tommy patted them on the back. They started talking when Aimsey came over. 

"You killed it out there Ran!" Aimsey laughed. "Facts." They responded. "Who's this?" Tommy asked. "This is my friend Aimsey! Aimsey, this is Tommy!" Ranboo said. The three chatted and laughed. At that moment, Tubbo was down the block of the race. He stopped running, out of breath. he look at his phone and saw a few texts from Quackity. Tubbo made it to the main area while answering his mom's texts.

Tubbo spotted Quackity and Wilbur at the little snack stand. "Mama." Tubbo waved, approaching Quackity. "There you are Tubs! I've been looking for you." Quackity said, patting Tubbo's head. On the track, Tommy looked over to the snack stand. "Is that Tubs?" Tommy pointed at the small boy talking with his mom.

"It is. He missed another race though. I even won this time." Ranboo said. "He was probably busy again." Tommy shrugged. "He didn't say that he was a hundred percent gonna show." Aimsey looked over at the boy the two were talking about. "Who are you talking about?" he asked. 

"We are talking about Tubbo, he's a great mechanic and Ranboo's boyfriend." Tommy said. "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!" Aimsey smiled. "Yeah. He tries to come to the races but he's always busy." Tommy said. Tubbo then looked over at the trio. he waved at his mom and walked over. "Heyyyy-" Tubbo waved awkwardly. "Hey Tubs. Ranboo won tonights race!" Tommy said.

"Really? Good job boss man." Tubbo smiled at Ranboo. "Why didn't you show up this time?" they asked. Tubbo's smile fell. "Yeah, something really unexpected happened. The Dream Team showed up and asked me to fix Dream's engine." Tubbo said. "Holy shit. Thats poggers." Tommy patted Tubbo on the back. 

"Let's go home." Ranboo said, not looking at Tubbo. "See you later guys." Aimsey said. "Bye bye!" Toms waved. 


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