You Don't Understand. You Never Did.

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(Part 6 of story group "A Normal") 

A/N: Okay so likeeeee, idk why we are doing story groups at this point-? Its all just the same story line but oneshots so we might stop putting them in groups. We were originally gonna make "A Normal" have 10 parts then move on to another arc but fuck, we dont know-? So, if the story group titles randomly disappear, its probably because we changed that ish and everything is probably in chronological order. Anyways, enjoy this chapter skrunkles!

TW: This chapter will contain unhealthy relationships, abuse, blood, and stuff along those lines! This will be kind of a backstory for Quackity and his life up to the present.... oooOOoOOOo~



"WHY THE FUCK DID WE ADOPT HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE?! THIS STUPID FUCKING CHILD CAN'T DO JACK SHIT!" A drunken Schlatt yelled, hitting Quackity square in the face. He cried out as his nose started bleeding. "Mama....?" Tubbo, age 6, mumbled. "Schlatt, please get a hold of yourself! Your not in a good state right now and you said you wanted to raise a kid with me!" Quackity started sobbing as Schlatt hit him again. 

Tubbo ran out of the room before things got worse. "YOU BITCH. SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT I WANT!" Schlatt repeatedly kicked Quackity as he wailed on the ground, in pain. "DON'T YOU DARE TELL A SOUL ABOUT THIS YOU FUCKER." Schlatt stomped out of the apartment. Quackity shrivled up again on the hard wood floor, now covered in bruises and blood, and sobbed even harder. 


Okay so he did tell somebody. Wilbur. He knew. And god, was he better than the bitch Schlatt. "Babe? You okay my little duckling?" Wilbur asked, Quackity nuzzled up next to him, his head in the crook of Wilbur's shoulder.  "I was just thinking... about Schlatt. And Tubs." Quackity said, inhaling the sent of cigarettes and flowers from Wilbur. 

Quackity constantly sniffed him. He remembered the absolute stench of Schlatt. Always the cheap cologne and beer. Then there was Karl and Sapnap. Karl smelt like fresh book pages and lavender. Sapnap smelled of ashes and gasoline. Smell was a way he knew he was safe. "Stop thinking about that dumbass. Your safe." Wilbur said, kissing Quackity's head softly. "I know." 


After Tubbo's 10th birthday, approximately 3 days after, Schlatt died. He died of a stroke. Did Quackity feel bad as he and his son stared upon the bastards grave? Sadly, yes. Puffy stood next to him. "I'm sort of relived he's dead." Puffy sighed. Quackity nodded silently. 

"Mom?" Tubbo said. "Yeah?" Quackity said. "Dad was a bitch, right?" Tubbo said. Quackity inhaled sharply. He wasn't wrong. "Yes, he was Tubzo. Let's get home, okay?" Quackity lightly pulled Tubbo's hand and they walked off together. 


Wilbur was beside Quackity in the bets booth, counting the money. "Hun, don't steal it." Quackity eyed his boyfriend who was trying to sneak a dollar into the back pocket of his denim jeans. And damn, he looked good in those jeans. "Aweee. I wanted to get us more cigarettes! I only have 5 left in the pack!" Wilbur whined, putting the money back.

"We have tons of money. We don't need to steal from the bets booth." Quackity says, as a man gives him a 10 dollar bill, betting on Tommy. "Jesus Christ, everyone is betting on Tommy." Wilbur says. "Mad Toms might catch up one day?" Quackity laughed. "Noooo. Of course not, ducky." Wilbur chuckled, sticking a cigarette into his mouth and lighting it. 

Quackity looked up to the crowd. He made eye contact with two people he wished to avoid at all costs. Karl and Sapnap. Oh fuck no. 


Quackity was chilling in the bar with his brand new boyfriends, racer Sapnap, and fellow flag boy Karl. "My favorite flag boys, how are you doing?" Sapnap chuckled. "I'm doing great." Karl responded, kissing Sapnap. Quackity nodded happily, kissing Sapnap and Karl. "Aweee amor! You're blushing!" Quackity pointed out to Karl. "No i'm not!" Karl retorted.

The three boy friends snuggled together. The bar's noises faded as all Quackity could focus on were Karl and Sap. They were his everything.


The race ended, Tommy won, again. "YES TOMS! WOOOO!" Wilbur cheered. Tommy waved to his brother and he waved back. Wilbur chuckled, handing his cigarette to Quackity so he can take a drag. Quackity laughed as smoke emerged from his mouth, handing it back to Wilbur. 

"Hey Q..." Sapnap said, in front of the booth next to Karl. Quackity sighed and waved Wilbur over. "What do you two want?" Wilbur asked. "Can we talk to Quackity?" Karl asks. "Hmmm let me think. No~!" Wilbur smirked. 

Sapnap huffed. "Just let us talk to him Wilbur." Sapnap growled. "You heard me! I said no! Beat it fuckers!" Wilbur said. "Why didn't he tell us he had a son?!" Sapnap asked, furious. Quackity walked up to the front of the booth and pushed Wilbur to the side gently.

"How the fuck did you know about Tubbo you pricks?" Quackity asked. "We went to his shop and saw all the photos of you and him and the letters. Why did you never mentioned it?" Karl asked. "Thats the thing! I DID TELL YOU!" Quackity yelled. The duo jumped at the latter raising his voice. 

"I DID FUCKING TELL YOU! YOU TWO WERE TO BUSY PLANNING A DATE TO NOTICE!" Quackity yelled, now attracting attention. "Q... we-" "WE WHAT? HOW ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO FUCKING REDEEM YOURSELVES?!" Quackity shouted, as he stormed away. Wilbur hummed. "Fuck you two." He growls, closing the booth. 

Quackity gets into the passenger seat of Wilbur's car. Wilbur opens the driver seat and hops in. "Duckling..." Wilbur said softly. "Can we go home? Please?" Quackity said, voice hoarse. Wilbur nodded as he started the engine and speeded off. 

The car drove fast past the shops and such and after a few minutes, they arrived home. The two got out and Quackity ran into the house with Wilbur trailing behind. When they got in, Quackity broke down in Wilbur's arms.

"Why are they trying to come back now? They never cared then and they shouldnt care now!" He cried as Wilbur patted his back. "Listen ducky. They had no right to do what they did. I think you need some sleep and some time to relax after this. Okay?" Wilbur said, concern rising.

Quackity nodded as the two headed off to the bedroom. Changing into pjs, the two hopped into bed and fell asleep in each others arms. 


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