Race Well, Don't Let Emotions Control You

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(Part 5 of the story group 'A Normal') Golden Duo ship? Yessir!

It was another nice afternoon in the city. An elite group of the best racers and their top picked flag partners, sat in their usual booth at the back. "Where is Punz? We ordered his favorite dish so he better come." Dream huffed. Just at that moment, Punz entered with an unfamiliar face. "Oh? Who's that with him?" George asked. 

Punz and Purpled walked over to the table. "I promise, I'll come to your race tonight. Okay?" Punz said, sitting down at the table. "'Kay, better not fuck me over like last time. I won too." Purpled scoffed. "I got you, don't worry." Punz said. Purpled nodded and walked off. 

"Is that your little brother you've been telling us about?" Sapnap asks. "Yeah. His name is Purpled. There's no race for us tonight so i'm going to his. I've never been to one of the lower rank races." Punz says. "We can all go. I know some higher ups that go there frequently and some that race there. Like Ponk and Hannah!" George said. 

"I guess we are going to lower rank race tonight?" Karl said. Dream and Sapnap nod. "Nothing better to do." 

-At The Race-

The high rank group walked over to the bleachers. "Whoa. There are a lot of people here for a lower rank race." George says, looking around. "Yeah. I wonder who they are all here to see." Dream says as a person with a bunny hat walks out onto the road with a microphone. 

"What's up tonight guys!" Aimsey screams through the mic as the crowd goes wild. "I know you guys are itching for Tubs to race again after that amazing display with his car the other day but hes the flag boy again! Say hi to the crowd Tubbo!" Tubbo waves from where hes standing on the side. "Tubbo's a racer too? That's pretty cool." Sapnap says.

 "Our line up is quite good tonight! We got hot headed blonde, Tommy 'Innit' Minecraft! Will he keep up his win streak of 5 races or will our resident enderman take the lead? That's right! Ranboo Andromeda is here to wipe the floor tonight! And finally, the alien we all know can drift like a slimecicle jr is here! Purpled Caige! Big Q on the right is taking bets! Tonights race will be stress inducing!" Aimsey says, walking off as the crowd cheers. 

Sapnap and Karl look over at the bets booth with a sad look. "Who do you thinks gonna win?" Dream asks. "Oh totally Tommy or Ranboo. Those two are at eachothers necks! But probably Tommy!" A girl in front of them say. "No fucking way! Ranboo all the way!" Her friend next to her says. 

"I'm gonna say Purpled, I heard his drift got even better." another person beside them said. "The crowd seems split." George says. Soon, Punz could spot Purpled on the road, standing next to Tommy. The two were talking. "Ohhh i'm scared. I see my brother and his friends in the crowd." Purpled groaned. 

"Don't worry! Your gonna do great beloved!" Tommy smiles. Purpled blushed. "Beloved?" He says, blushing even harder. "I-im picking that up from Tubs and Ranboo-! I'm sorry-! Your gonna do great!" Tommy blushes, running into his car and slamming the door. 

Everyone gets into their cars as Tubbo steps out on the road. "THREE, TWO, ONE!" Tubbo waves the flags and the racers speed forward. 

-Towards The End Of The Race-

Tommy, Ranboo and Purpled were all lined up, speeding towards the finish line. Purpled looked over towards Tommy and Tommy looked back at him. He winked at the alien boy and the next thing Purpled knew, Tommy flew across the finish line with Ranboo in second and himself in tow. He lost. He lost in front of his brother. Purpled looked towards the bleachers through his window. Punz looked so disappointed. 

"Fuck.... I can't leave my car... no way..." Purpled stared. Tommy went to Purpled's window. "Good race tonight! I'm proud of you! See you next time!" Tommy then walked off with Ranboo towards Tubbo. 

Purpled fought up the courage to exit his car. He walked out and Punz and his friends walked over to him. "Purpled..." "Look! I know! I can do so much better I just-" "Got distracted? I saw what that guy Tommy did. Don't let your emotions get in the way of your racing. I know you are a good one if you are related to me. Don't let me down." Punz growled. "That's a little harsh Punz." George says. Punz gave him a death stare as the group walked away.

"fuck..." Purpled slumped over. He will never begood enough for Punz, will he?


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