Two People (Who Make A LOT Of Bad Decisions)

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new chapter rahhh enjoy!!


Tommy was an idiot. Not that no one knew or anything. Obviously wanting to date Purpled was not an easy road, and it started earlier today when he realized this. Especially when his psychotic ass older brother who was sort of standing in front of him behind the Sunshine Cafe that moment. All Tommy was hoping was to get out of this with all his teeth and no injuries. 

"I've heard rumors about you, Minecraft." Punz spat. Tommy grimaced. "Thats....! Lovely-! Who are you again-?" He sputters. "I'm Punz. You know? Purpled's older brother?" 

"Oh! That's y-you! Nice to meet y-you bruv. How about you just let me g-get past you and we don't need to even talk ever again!" Tommy rambled, sweat beading on his forehead, he swallowed. "Over my dead body." Punz said. 

And then Tommy got the shit beaten out of him. Looks like he was following in Ranboo's footsteps. Awesome. Purpled looked at Tommy with the look of 'you literally are an idiot and why am I with you'. So now the two were at his and Ranboo and Tubbo's house. 

The two sat on the bed, Purpled sitting criss-cross while Tommy was in his lap. Purpled was putting bandages on his face and scowling. "Are you a fucking idiot?" He said. "N-No? I don't know! He got me all cornered and shit and beat me up! Not my fault." Tommy said, wincing every time a new bandage was put on a wound. "And enough plasters already! Holy shit Purp!" 

"No such things as too much bandages when it comes to you." Purpled rolls his eyes, putting the bandages away. "I just don't like seeing you hurt." He says in a dead pan voice, like usual. "See, it's hard to believe you when you talk like your dead inside." Tommy sits up and scoots off Purpled's lap and faces him. 

"Now, I'm super sorry I got in a fight and got hurt my dear, I'll try not to get the shit beaten out of me ever again!" He kisses Purpled's cheek and hugs him. "Hmm. Apology accepted. I'll sleep over if you make me pancakes in the morning." Tommy grinned. "Anything for you starshine!" Purpled smiled slightly and tucked himself and Tommy under the blankets, reaching over to the lamp and turning it off with an audible click. 


Now. The problem with telling your boyfriend not to get into fights is annoying cause when your like Purpled, he liked fighting. And telling Tommy he couldn't fight with people but he could himself is hypocritical. Another fun fact and tidbit about Purpled's life: He fights at least 7 people a week cause of his out of control anger issues that he proclaims he has. It's actually just because he believes when things get hard, use your fists. 

So here he is. The guy standing in front of him was the guy he roughed up a few weeks ago, and he looked pissed. Of course, when he was about to kill this bitch, he remembered Tommy. Fucking Tommy. That guy. He sighed and face palmed himself for being a fucking idiot cause now he couldn't do jack shit about this guy.

"Listen here dude, I can't fight you." The guy looked confused. Purpled only had one moment to react before his head was pushed into the pavement. 


"Ouch." Purpled wheezes, sitting on one of the sticky seats of the Sunshine Cafe. "Lemme guess, a guy found you and you didn't see him in time?" Punz chuckled, fixing Purpled's bleeding cuts. "No. I saw him. But I told Toms not to get into fights and I didn't want to be a hypocrite." Purpled says. "So you let the guy beat you up you dumb bitch?!" Punz quips.

Purpled pauses before nodding, Punz sighs disappointingly. "God, why do you exist?" Purpled stiffens. "Well glad to see you care about my well being. That's great and shit." He mumbles. "You know what I meant Purps." Punz finishes bandaging up Purpled. 

"Whoa. What happened to you?" Purpled and Punz turn their heads to a new voice. Tubbo stood at the table, slurping on a milkshake obnoxiously loud for Punz's taste. At this, Punz scowls at his younger brother before walking off. "What's his deal?" Tubbo asked, sitting on the other side of the booth. 

"Some guy wanted to fight but I said Toms couldn't fight but then I didn't want to fight cause that's hypocritical so I got smashed into the concrete." Purpled groans, placing his hands on his face. Tubbo sucks a breath in through his teeth. "Yeah. I wouldn't want to be pounded into concrete, I'd like to be pounded some where else. Preferably in the-" 

"AND THAT'S ENOUGH TALKING FROM YOU TWINKIE....." Purpled covers Tubbo's mouth and they both laugh slightly. He moves his hands and Tubbo takes another sip of his milkshake. The two sit in comfortable silence until Tubbo finishes his milkshake and they leave together. 


"You look like shit." Was the first thing Purpled heard walking through the door. He looked over to Ranboo who was laying on the couch, tail swishing behind him steadily and reading a book. "Gee. Thanks." Purpled grumbles. "No problem king. Hey sweetheart." They look up from their book to smile at Tubbo who immediately runs up to them and sits next to him on the couch. 


"Tommy? In his room. I know you know where that is." Ranboo interjects, wrapping an arm around Tubbo who was already latched onto their side. Purpled nod's his head and heads up the stairs to the door all the way to the end of the hall. He padded to the door, past the bathroom and past the one with the cringe nuclear warning signs (gee, he wonder's whose room THAT is!). He stops in front of the door at the end, with all the vines and silly red things on it before opening the door. 

Tommy was on the bed, snuggling with his silver alien plushie Purpled had gotten him a while back. Low music was playing from his old record player that he swears is cool. It's playing a random song by McCafferty. Typical Tommy. 

"Ah! Hey star light!!" Tommy jumps up and runs over to Purpled, jumping onto him and hugging him tightly. Purpled smiled and hugged him back. "Hey love." Tommy smiled happily as he let go of Purpled and jumped back onto the bed. "Come here, come here! I thought we could watch some movies tonight!" Purpled smiles as well, sitting next to Tommy as he boots up a movie and the two watch all the movies they can find until they fell asleep in each others arms. 


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