Wilbur Soot's Great Escapade (But It Isn't Really)

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TNT DUO AND CRIMEBOYS AND DRAMA AND SBI!??!?!??!?!?! I spoil the crowd woooo!!


Wilbur Soot Minecraft. Son of Philza Minecraft. Of course he was known, it would be foolish to not know a man of his status. He was practically raised to race. It was no shock he was amazing by the time he was 17. When Tommy joined in, he was ecstatic! A family of racers.

Back when he first exploded of the scene, Wilbur was the talk of the town. 

Now.... he still was. For all the wrong reasons.

Apparently, stealing his crush away from his fiances is not a classy move. Of course, a lot of loyal fans cheered him on but now, it's sort of slim. His cheery mood and aura was replaced of something of depressing and vicious. People who messed with him or the ones he cared about were as good as dead. 

So imagine what happened when someone dared to lay a hand on his precious Quackity. 


They were at an upper rank race after what felt like a million years. Back on the old stomping ground. Wilbur met up with Quackity at the bets booth, where the duck hybrid practically lived. The only reason the two were even here was to cheer on Techno and Phil, who were going against each other after years of practically tag teaming.

"I hope Phil wins." Quackity said, already puffing out smoke, clutching a cigarette in his right hand. Wilbur scoffed. "Your only saying that cause of that nasty scar Tech gave you. Im sorry duckling, but dad doesn't really hold a candle to Tech." he said, picking the cigarette out of Quackity's hand and taking a drag himself before handing it back. 

Wilbur was enjoying not being in some fight for once. Boy was he wrong.

Just as the match was about to start, Dream walked up to the bets booth, slamming his hands on the counter. Quackity and Wilbur gave each other glances. "The fuck you want green bitch?" Quackity said. "You got a whole lotta nerve coming back here Quackity. Especially with you side chick in tow." Dream huffed angrily. Quackity rolled his eyes and Wilbur gagged jokingly. 

"Listen here dick munch, me and my little duckling are here to watch my dad race. If you got a problem with our presence, you can walk the fuck out and go have sex with your toothpick ass flat flag boy of a boyfriend." Wilbur smirked, leaning on the counter while staring daggers at Dream. 

"What Wil said, and more. Get the fuck out pendejo." Quackity smirked, showing off his freakishly sharp teeth. Dream seethed and grabbed Quackity by the collar and-


If you asked Wilbur if he beat the living shit out of Dream, he would have happily said yes with no shame. Word had gone out, and fast. Some people were proud of the scuffle between the two and some were outraged by Wilbur's behavior. But he had touched Quackity, so he had to do something about it.

So now, Wilbur was sitting at the bar in the Las Nevadas club, his little brother sitting next to him.

"So...." Tommy sucked in a breath. "You really did beat up Dream, didn't you?" The younger smirked. "Good job big man, good job." Wilbur smiled and ruffled Tommy's hair. "Thanks Toms. Knew you would be my number one supporter." Tommy chuckled. "If you sold illegal drugs I would support you!" 

The two laughed as Wilbur played with his glass which once had alcohol in it but was now empty. "What did Q think?" Tommy asked. "Oh, he was livid at first cause I 'did it for him', but he got over it. He thinks its real romantic i'd beat up a guy for his cute little feathered ass." 

"Spoken like a true Minecraft." Tommy said, raising his empty glass. "Here here!" Wilbur clinked his glass with Tommy's. The two stayed there and kept talking until dawn.


Wilbur squirmed in his seat across from Phil, who's arms were crossed. The Sunshine cafe's usual happy atmosphere couldn't help the settling dread over Wilbur. He coughs. "Why am I here exactly?" He asked his father. Phil raised an eyebrow. "Hmm. Lemme think.... maybe THE GODDAMN FIST FIGHT LAST NIGHT?!?!?! THAT RINGING ANY BELLS?!" His dad yelled, some people glancing over at their booth. Wilbur winced.

"Do you know how that makes me look?! A violent psychopath for a son! How lovely!" Phil said, mockingly. "And drinking alcohol with your goddamn underage brother?! Wilbur!! What has gotten into you?!" He says as Wilbur sinks into the cushion seats which felt sticky and disgusting. Really? Niki and Fundy need to do a better job of scrubbing these ancient things down. 

Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Tommy has literally drank before! You didn't care last time! Let the boy drink." He exclaimed. Phil rubbed his temples and sighed. 

"Jesus fucking christ Wilbur." Phil seethed. "What am I gonna do with you?" He chuckles. 

"Let me live." Wilbur said, abruptly standing up and leaving the diner, the door opening with the annoying bell and slamming.

Fundy walked up to the table. "Did he even help pay for the food or-"

"Shut up Fundy." Phil snapped. "Yessir-" He squeaked, walking away from the elder racer. 



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