I Don't Care What He Thinks

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Sweats nervously..... heyyyy- I know I've been gone forever but my motivation kinda disappeared for this book. It started with me having random daydreams for plot points and it stopped suddenly and out of nowhere. I realize it has gained a ton of reads since I've last uploaded so imma try to keep this story going. Sorry for the wait! Enjoy r/goldenduo!!! If you don't like it you may leave now (NOT SHIPPING CC'S!!!) Sorry if it's short btw-


Purpled was lying on Tommy's bed as Tommy read next to him. "How are you holding up Purp?" Tommy asks, flipping a page. "Shit. I think he wants to disown me." Purpled grumbled. "He's your older brother, only your parents can disown you." Tommy scoffed. 

"And we both know Punz is the favorite." Purpled said. "I wouldn't know." Tommy said. "You dummy winked at me. I messed up in front of him." Purpled slapped Tommy's arm playfully. "I don't think he likes you." Tommy smirked. "Oh he DEFINITELY hates me." he said.

"Listen, Tommy?" Purpled sits up, taking Tommy's book and putting it down. "Yeah? What's up?" Tommy asked. "Would you like to come to the movies with me? ya know- to get my mind off it-? You can say no if you want I won't be upset or anything-" Purpled said quickly. "Purpled, are you... asking me out?" He chuckled. "Supposedly." Purpled said. 

Tommy got up. "I'd love to go idiot. Im gonna change out of my pj's." Tommy ran off. "Meet me in 20 minutes?" Purpled asked. "Yes yes!" Tommy giggled. "See you soon!"

-At The Cinema-

Purpled sat nervously fidgeting with the edge of his sweater. Was he stood up? "I'M HEREEE!" Tommy screeched, running up to Purpled and hugging him. "Agh!" Purpled says, and hugs him back. "Hey Toms." 

"Hey Purp!" Tommy smiled, letting go of the hug. They head into the cinema, holding hands. Purpled fidgeted, was this a good idea? A date? With Tommy? His crush? The best racer? He sweated. "Purp?" Tommy waved his hand in front of Purpled's face. "Huh? Sorry, what did you say?" Purpled asked. "I asked if you want to get popcorn? I'll buy!" Tommy said. "Oh uh, sure Toms." Purpled said.

Tommy gets to the front of the line and gets the popcorn, running back to Purpled. "Let's go!" Tommy says, grabbing Purpled's hand. Purpled blushes at the sudden blush as he gets dragged to the theater there in. The two found their seats and sat down. 

Halfway through the movie, Tommy reaches for Purpled's hand. Purpled looks at Tommy. "W-what are you doing?" He whispered. "holding your hand." Tommy whispered back. Purpled blush as they held hands as the movie continued. 

"Purpled?" Tommy turns to him. "Yeah?" Purpled stares at the blonde's dull blue eyes in the dark cinema, where glossy bright blue ones would usually be. "Do you like me?" He says quietly to the alien. The two boys blush. "What would you do.... if I said yes?" Purpled asked sheepishly. 

Tommy pulled the alien boy close. "I hope you don't mind..." they blush more as Tommy pecks Purpled's lips quickly. Purpled had a soft goofy look on his face as he looked back at the movie screen. They held each others hands for the rest of the movie..... 


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