I Can Do LOTS Of Things

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(Part 4 of story group 'A Normal')

Another night, another race. Ranboo and Tubbo hadn't been on good terms lately. Yes, the couple have gone through some ugly fights, but they always end back up in each others arms. Tubbo has missed so many races that he and Tommy were in. He said that he would come to support them so many times but never showed. He was a workaholic. 

So there they were, leaning on their car again, Ranboo scoured the crowd once more for his boyfriend. Nothing. Aimsey was in the front again, cheering them on. They had been spending more time together with Aimsey since Tubbo missed his second win ever. The racers got into their cars as the countdown started. 

Ranboo noticed a car to his right, a yellow one with green hubcaps. It had black stripes on the sides. The flag girl, Drista, ended the count down and the racers sped forward. Tommy and Ranboo were neck to neck during the race, with another person trailing them and the yellow car in the back. The cars were speeding around the block, Ranboo and Tommy could feel the adrenaline as one of them were about to win. 

Tommy was determined to get his winning streak back up. The finish line was in view. But out of nowhere the yellow car speeds ahead at an untimely speed that definitely broke laws. "The fuck-?" Tommy whispered to himself. The yellow car crossed the finish line stopping cleanly. Tommy followed in second, Ranboo in third, and the other racer last. 

"Oh come on!" Tommy huffed at the yellow car beating him. The other racers got out of their cars. Tommy and Ranboo looked at the yellow car. "Who the fuck is this person?! Waltzing in as a newbie and taking first place at their first race!" Tommy scoffed. "I think it could be dumb luck?" Ranboo shrugged. 

The yellow car's door opened. Out walked a scrawny boy with fluffy brown hair.... "Holy shit. TUBS?!" Tommy screeched. "Oh. Hey asswipe." Tubbo turned to his best friend smirking. "Like my latest invention. Horse power is through the roof." Tommy stared in awe. "Holy fucking shit. I never knew you could race!" Tommy ran over to his friend. Ranboo stared, stuck in place. They should have recognized the colors. 

"Theres a lot of things I can do that you don't know about." Tubbo said to Tommy. Ranboo walked over to the two. "You did really well Bee." Ranboo said, looking away from the short boy. "Thanks..." Tommy looked at the two. "Oh for fucks sakes! KISS AND MAKE UP YOU DUMB ASSES!" Tommy screeched pushing Tubbo into Ranboo. 

"I'm sorry for missing your race Boo. I just... You know I have the tendency to over work and shit." Tubbo chuckled. "I know. Can we just forget all about that shit please? I can't live without you." Ranboo rolled over in defeat. "Don't worry!" Tubbo kissed Ranboo's forehead. "Your forgiven! See you again tomorrow night!" Tubbo waved, running off to his mom. 

"Wait, TOMORROW?! he's gonna race again!?" Tommy jumped. "We are getting creamed. He is literally a technological genius." Ranboo said. "Better work on our drifts and shit." Tommy patted Ranboo on the back as he walked away to talk to Purpled. Aimsey came up to Ranboo as the two started to talk.

-The Next Night-

"The race is starting soon? Where's Tubbo's car?" Tommy asked, clearly set on beating him. "I don't know. If he's over working again I won't be surprised." Ranboo said as the racers got into their cars. Soon the flag boy for tonights race walked onto the road. "Are you fucking kidding me-?" Ranboo said to themselves. 

Once again, Tubbo was at the race, but hes on the road with two checkered flags. "ALRIGHT FUCKERS-!" Yep, definitely Tubbo. He started counting down and the racers were off the minute he said one. After ten minutes, Ranboo crossed the finish line first. Getting out of their car with Tommy close behind, they stuck their tongue out at Tommy. He retaliated with flipping Ranboo off and cackling. 

"You're a mechanic, a racer, and now a flag boy. What can't you do Tubs?" Tommy asked. "Eh, who knows what I'll do next." he said. 


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