Why Is He Such A Big Deal?!

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(giving up on story groups lol)


Sunshine cafe. The racer hot spot. How is Quackity not surprised when his exes walk up to him and Wilbur. "Q, please. Can you answer our question about Tubbo?" Sapnap asked. "Fuck off you two." Wilbur says. "Honestly, why care now?" Sapnap paused. "Cause we feel bad... bad about not paying enough attention to you and-" "And what?" Quackity snarled, glaring at Sapnap. 

"Please Quackity, just let us know now and we can fix things." Karl said. Before Quackity could lose his temper, Wilbur abruptly stood up facing Sapnap. "Me. You. Tonight. We race. I win, you leave us alone, you win, we'll let you ask your questions dipshit." He snarled. Quackity just sat there, letting it all happen.

Sapnap stood there for a moment. Then said "Okay. Get ready to get creamed." He said, walking out of the cafe with Karl trailing behind. "Wilbur, you didn't have to do-" "No. No I had to." Wilbur says, facing Q. "He doesn't know his place. And ill put him in it." Wilbur smiles deviously. Quackity returns the same smile and kisses Wilbur. Sapnap was gonna be sorry.

-That night (at the upper rank track)-

Wilbur and Sapnap's cars were set up at the starting line as people wandered around and talked. The bets booth was lively and Quackity was having a hard time keeping up. "Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down guys!" Quackity says, taking the money and sorting them. Soon the last person on line put their money on the table. "Sapnap." Quackity looked up and was face to face with Karl.

"Oh. You." Quackity growled, taking the money and putting it in Sapnap's betting box. "Wilbur is gonna go down." Karl said. "Down on my fucking cock when he wins." Quackity huffed. The two death stared each other until Karl walked off. "Is he really gonna do this?" Tubbo asks, appearing out of nowhere. "Huh? What are you doing here?!" Q asked. 

He shrugged. "You only go to the lower rank races. What are you doing here?" Quackity asked. "Wil wanted me to be the flag boy." He smirked. "For good luck." He added. "You carry good luck all right." Quackity smiled. Tubbo trotted off to Ranboo and Tommy who also showed up to cheer Wilbur on. Dream's gang was there too to cheer Sapnap on.

When it was time to start, Karl and Tubbo both stepped onto the track. "Uh, excuse me kid but i'm the flag boy tonight." Karl said. "Nope, you aren't. I am. Beat it bitch." Tubbo shoved Karl off the track and took place in between the two cars. Wilbur chuckled at seeing Karl get pushed off by Tubbo. 

"Three, two, ONE!" Tubbo waved the flags down and the cars sped forward. Sapnap and Wilbur's cars were inching forward, the two practically at the same speed. "So, what are you gonna do when you lose?" Wilbur laughed at Sapnap. "You mean when I win you dickwad." He growled in response. "Whatever floats your boat!" Wilbur laughed and the two sped up more and more

They completed the first lap but were still neck and neck. "Shove off!" Sapnap yelled. "No~!" Wilbur countered. The two finished their second lap, not changing their positions. They went for their last lap, still neck and neck. "I will not let you win!" Sapnap yelled. "TO. FUCKING. BAD!" Wilbur said as the finish line came into view. 

The two cars passed the finish line at the same time and the two get out of their car. "Who won?!" They said in unison. "It-it was a tie." Sapnap and Wilbur look at each other. "I guess we both win then." Wilbur says as Quackity and Karl approach the two. Quackity sighs. "Well, lets head to Las Nevadas and sort this out."

-At the Las Nevadas club-

"Since you both won, you both get what you wanted." Karl said to the racers. "Ask your questions. Then I never want to talk to you two again." Quackity said. "Who is Tubbo's father?" Sapnap asks. "Oh." Wilbur stiffens. "Wilbur." Quackity said. "No. Biological." Sapnap responded. "Schlatt. Schlatt Fallow." Quackity said. "Now leave. Don't come back." Quackity pushes Sapnap and Karl. 

"Of course." Karl say, and the two exit the club. 


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