Info Part 2 :D

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Name: Quackity HQ Fallow

Age: 24

Role: racer (used to be a flag boy)

Relationships: Family is Schlatt(dead), Tubbo, and Lani. Currently dating Wilbur. Best friends are Wilbur, Charlie, Sam, Foolish, and a few others.

Species: duck

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, pansexual 


Name: Dream Taken

Age: 23

Role: racer 

Relationships: family is Puffy, XD, Foolish, and Drista. Niki is like a mom because she is dating Puffy. Cousins are Tubbo and Lani, uncle is Quackity and Schlatt(dead). Best friends are George(they are dating), Sapnap, Karl, and Punz.

Species: goat

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, bisexual


Name: George Found

Age: 22

Role: flag boy

Relationships: family is unknown. Best friends are Dream(they are dating), Sapnap, Karl, and Punz.

Species: elf 

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, gay 


Name: Nick 'Sapnap' Halo 

Age: 23

Role: racer

Relationships: family is Bad and Skeppy. Best friends are Dream, George, Karl(they are dating), and Punz.

Species: blaze 

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, pansexual 


Name: Karl Jacobs

Age: 23

Role: flag boy 

Relationships: family is unknown. Best friends are Dream, George, Sapnap(they are dating), Tina, and Punz.

Species: human

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, bisexual 


Name: Wilbur Soot Minecraft

Age: 26

Role: racer 

Relationships: family is Phil, Kristen, Techno, and Tommy. Son is Fundy and wife(divorced) Sally. Best friends are Quackity(they are dating), Techno, Tommy and a few others. 

Species: demon

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, bisexual 


Name: Punz Caige 

Age: 24

Role: racer 

Relationships: family is little brother Purpled. Best friends are Dream, George, Karl, Sapnap, and Purpled. 

Species: human

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, unlabeled 


Name: Techno 'The Blade' Minecraft 

Age: 26

Role: racer

Relationships: family is Phil, Kristen, Wilbur, and Tommy. Nephew is Fundy. Best friends are Wilbur, Phil, Tommy, and Ranboo

Species: piglin

Pronouns/Sexuality: he/him, aroace 


Another info page will be out soon about more characters. If there isn't one i've done yet, tell me and i'll do it lol. 

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