Bruised Up

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Everyone was out to get him now, surely. If the alarm wasn't enough proof, he didn't know what was. Tubbo was downstairs when he heard it, the only one awake at that. He put down his phone and ran out to the garage. A figure stood by the door, trying to open it. "HEY!" Tubbo yelled. The figure looked at him and ran straight toward him.

The figure jumped on top of him and punched him square in the face. "AGH! WHAT THE FUCK!" Tubbo hissed, pushing the person off. They were wearing a mask so Tubbo couldnt see who it was. The person landed a few more hard punches. Tubbo also landed a few, the figure gave up and ran away. Tubbo wiped some blood off his hands but he had cuts and bruises now along his arms and face, and a bad bloody nose. 

He ran back to the house and closed the door, running to the upstairs bathroom, leaving small drips of blood on the floor behind him. Tubbo turned the bathroom light on and turned on the sink, splashing some water on his hands. "Tubs? What is- OH MY GOD!" Tommy came out of no where and screeched when he saw Tubbo's face. "What the fuck happened to you?!" He yelled, taking Tubbo's face in his hands. 

"Shush, don't wake up Ranboo." Tubbo whispered. "Im fine." Tommy scoffed. "Fine?! Look at you!" Tubbo pushed Tommy out of the bathroom. "I dont need help, go to bed." Tubbo said, closing the bathroom door on Tommy's face. Tubbo quickly bandaged up his wounds and stuffed his bloody nose with toilet paper. 

Who the fuck was that?


Tommy was eating cereal at the table, on his phone. Ranboo was texting someone and about to get his coat. "I'm going out to see my friends at the sunshine cafe." Ranboo said, putting on his coat. "Yeah yeah." Tommy responded as Tubbo came down the stairs, looking incredibly tired and the bandages and band aids still littering his face and arms. "What the-" Ranboo took one look at Tubbo and stopped him from going and sitting with Tommy.

"What happened to you?" Ranboo said in a worried tone, lightly brushing his fingers over Tubbo's face. "I got beat up last night, im okay now dont worry Boo." Tubbo pushed Ranboos hands off his face and sat next to Tommy. "Are you sure? I can stay here and make sure-" Tommy then cut him off "I'll watch him, go with your friends." Ranboo hesitated, but then waved goodbye and left. 

Tommy and Tubbo sat in silence, the only sound being Tommy eating his cereal. "So, what are you gonna do today?" Tommy asked. "Two things. Make better security for my garage and go to the gym again." Tubbo said, getting some water. "Again? Stop going to the fucking gym. It's either you're making/fixing something in the garage or working out. Your bland as fuck." Tommy said. 

"Oh shut up Tommy." Tubbo said, sipping some of the water. "How about you go visit Quackity? You need a break." Tommy pointed out. "Hm, maybe I will." Tubbo said, getting up. 

-Above the Las Nevadas club (aka Quackity's house)-

Tubbo went upstairs to Q's apartment and knocked on the door. "Mami? You home?" Tubbo asked. Slime opened the door and his eyes widened. "H-heyyyy!" Slime stuttered. "Hi. Is mo-" Slime went in the hall with Tubbo and closed the door behind him. "Bro." Tubbo narrowed his eyes at Slime.

"Quackity's busy right now. He's doing something." Slime scratched the back of his neck. "What is he doing?" Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Wilbur. I mean its more Wilbur doing the doing but yeahhh they are busy!" Slime blurts out. Tubbo just stares at him.

"Uhh thanks for the help? I definitely dont want to be here for that. I'll go somewhere else." Tubbo said, starting to go downstairs. "Bye bye Tubbo!" Slime yelled at him as he went back into the apartment, closing the door behind him. 

-At The Racing Alley-

When Las Nevadas club was a bust, Tubbo wandered the streets til he reached the back alley and heard some giggling. He turned the corner and entered the alley to see Drista, Lani, and two of their friends. 

"Tubs?" Lani noticed him. "Hey. What the fuck you doing back here?" Tubbo asked Lani. "We are talking, obviously." Drista snorted. "I don't care." Tubbo responded. "Well fuck you." Drista said. "Hey, don't talk to my brother that way!" Lani said to Drista and she turned back to Tubbo.

"I was just about to head home." Lani said. "Uhhh don't. Mami is.... being do-ed. Anyways, I'll be going." Tubbo smiled weakly. "Bye!" Lani waved. "Bye Lani, bye you two, bye asshat." He said the last one to Drista and ran off. 

-At The Diner With Ranboo-

They arrived last, the booth almost full. "Hey guys." Ranboo smiled. "Good morning Ran!" Aimsey said. Ranboo sat down next to Aimsey and across them were Bill and Sniff. "Is Sneeg coming?" Sniff asked. "Yeah, I think so." Bill responded. 

The diners bell rang as Sneeg walked in. "Good morning guys." He yawns. "Whoa. What happened to you?" Aimsey laughed at Sneeg's messed up and bandaged face. "Got into a fight this morning on the way here." Sneeg said, sitting next to Sniff. 

"A lot of people are getting hurt recently." Ranboo said. "What do you mean?" Bill asked. "Tubbo was hurt too. When I was getting ready to leave, he came downstairs and he was covered in bruises and bandages." Ranboo frowned. "He's a mechanic, they are always getting bruised up." Bill said, sipping his drink.

"I don't think it was from being a mechanic. I think he got in a fight." Ranboo said. "I don't want Tubbo to be involved with that stuff." Sniff looked up at Ranboo. "Isn't his mom like, a hitman or something?" Sniff asked. "I heard she was a thief." Bill said. "Whoa whoa whoa. None of those things about Quackity is true!" Ranboo said. "What kind of rumors are you guys hearing?!" They asked.

Everyone shrugged. "Oh jesus christ guys." Ranboo face palmed. "Are you guys ready to order?" Niki asked politely. "Yes, we are." Aimsey nervously chuckled. 


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