Never Cause A Problem With An 8ft Enderman

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It's longer then the recent ones yaaa! Enjoyyy! :D


Ranboo got back from the diner with their friends feeling a bit.... off. Tubbo and Sneeg, two people you would never even associate with fights.... beaten up? It didn't make any sense to him. The enderman hybrid dropped his bag on the table of the kitchen, hearing a slight scuffle and footsteps on the hard wood floor. 

They looked towards the entrance of the kitchen as his boyfriend walked in, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Hey Boo." Tubbo approached Ranboo and gave him a hug. "Hey dear. You feeling better?" They asked, looking down at their boyfriend with a little bit of worry. "I've been better." 

"I would think so. Are your injuries better?" They asked. "I guess. It still sorta hurts." Tubbo shrugs and gets a glass and fills it with water, then taking a sip. "If you need anything, you can ask me, okay? And try not to work so much." Ranboo said, planting a soft kiss on Tubbo's head. "I'll be fine boss man, don't worry." Tubbo chuckled. 

Ranboo paused. "Tubs." 

"Yeah?" He says.

"My friend Sneeg showed up to the diner today beat up.... where did you hit the guy who attacked you?" Ranboo asks. "Uhhh, the cheek, nose and the arms?" Tubbo lists off on his fingers. "He had bandages in those parts." Ranboo said. "But racer alley people always get into fights, its not a rare occurrence. It could be anyone."

The gears in Ranboo's head started turning. "Nope. He definitely was the one." Tubbo paused. "What are we gonna do about it?" He asked. "Ill take care of it. Don't worry." 


Tubbo stood outside the main racer area in racer alley with his boyfriend, taking glances at the taller as he presses to their side. "Don't do anything to rash." Tubbo said softly. "Imma do somethin' more then rash. Stay out here dearest." Ranboo planted a kiss on Tubbo's head and walking into the race way. Tubbo stood back and watched as Ranboo walked out of view and he sighed. "You okay kid? Got some nasty bandages on you." A voice quipped. 

He whips his head around, making eye contact with Wilbur, aka his mom's boyfriend......Oh-. "Wilbur?" He says, walking over to stand next to the other brunette. "Hey kid. What happened to your face?" He points, taking a drag of his cigarette, leaning against the brick wall. "Got beat up. Someone tried to steal some shit from my garage and we fist fought. Uhh now Boo is goin to beat the person's ass apparently." 

Wilbur lets out a laugh, smoke pouring out of his mouth as well. "If Ranboo's after that person, R. I. P." Wilbur joked, Tubbo chuckled and leaned against the brick wall with Wilbur. There was a moment of silence before Wilbur held out his cigarette. "Wanna puff? Looks like you could use one." He said. "Yeah... thanks." Tubbo takes a puff and hands it back. 

"I just hope Ranboo isn't doing anything dumb or something." Tubbo exhaled the smoke as it got ten times louder in the racer area. "I think you jinxed it Tubs." Wilbur said. "FUCK." Tubbo ran off into the racer area. Wilbur watched from the wall. Not like he cared. 

------------When Ranboo went in a few minutes ago....------------

Ranboo walked into racer alley. There weren't any races today but there were still tons of people at the track. Practicing, hanging out, and more. They looked around, gazing at the people in the area. His eyes eventually caught onto Aimsey, Sniff, and Sneeg. Ranboo walked over to them.

"Oh! Hey Ran! I didn't know you were hanging out here today." Aimsey smiled. "I'm not." Ranboo said. "I just got a question for Sneeg." They said, looking Sneeg dead in the eyes. "What's up?" He asked. "Did you try to break into Tubbo's garage and beat him up?" Ranboo asked, narrowing their eyes. 

Sneeg stiffened. "I would never. Why would you even ask that?" He responded. Aimsey and Sniff looked at each other then back at Sneeg and Ranboo. "Why would you accuse Sneeg of that?" Sniff asked. "Sneeg and Tubbo would never hurt anybody. But both of them hurt at the same time? A little fucking fishy if you ask me." Ranboo states, pointing at Sneeg. 

"Well it wasn't me." Sneeg shot back angrily. "Then why are you getting so defensive if it wasn't you?" They asked. "Because you're accusing me of something I didn't do!" Sneeg grimaced. 

Ranboo and Sneeg were inching toward each other and looked angry as fuck. Aimsey's eyes widened. "O-okay you two. Let's calm do-" Sneeg proceeded to punch Ranboo. Sniff and Aimsey jumped. "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sniff shouted, others starting to look at the four. Ranboo hit Sneeg back as it turned into a full fist fight. 

Aimsey and Sniff tried pulling the two apart but to no avail. "Just tell the fucking truth!" Ranboo yelled, dodging a punch. "I am!!" Sneeg yelled back. 

Tubbo entered the alley and spotted the two fighting. "Holy fucking- RANBOO!" Tubbo shouted in surprise. He ran over to the fight, weaving around people and pushing them out of the way. It seemed Ranboo was winning, but both of them looked horribly injured. Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's arm and pulled them away. Sniff was able to grab Sneeg and hold him back. 

The two fighters yelled at each other but it slowly died down. "JUST FUCKING TELL ME." Ranboo shouted. Sneeg stiffened again. "FINE. I DID IT. HE CAN'T JUST WALK IN HERE AS A NEWBIE AND FUCKING CRUSH COMPETITION." Sneeg yelled. 

Tubbo seethed and grabbed Ranboo. "We are going." 

---Back at Bench Trio's house---

"I told you not to do anything rash! Then what do you do? Beat them up!" Tubbo sputters. "He deserved it anyway." Ranboo said, Tubbo groaned. There was a knock on the bedroom door as Tommy opened it, not waiting for an answer like usual. "Trouble in paradise love birds?" Tommy raised and eyebrow at the two.

The three looked at each other. "No. It's just a small disagreement." Tubbo says. "Yep. I beat up a guy for him." Ranboo said, motioning towards Tubbo. "Holy shit. Did you win?" Tommy laughed. "Yep." They smiled. 

"Don't do it again though." Tubbo smiled slightly, shaking his head. "Okay, I promise I won't do it again." Ranboo rolled their eyes and smiled back at him. "Okay then, let's eat dinner dumbass duo." Tommy grinned, walking out of the room, Tubbo and Ranboo trailing behind him to go downstairs.


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