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(Part 3 of story group "A Normal")

The house was quiet. Tommy was sleeping soundly, Ranboo was in the living room, quietly reading. Meanwhile, Tubbo was in the garage yet again working on his own things. He glanced up at the clock. 11: 42 pm. Not bad. 

He went back to working on his project. Tubbo stopped after noticing he was missing a few things. "Wouldn't hurt to get them now." he thought, putting his coat on and grabbing his wallet. Picking up his satchel, Tubbo got on his motorcycle. It was one of his best creations and it was in his signature colors, black and yellow. 

 The boy took off, heading to the racer's alley where races were held and organized, tools and car parts were sold and clubs and diners. He slowed as he entered the alley. There was a space for vehicles to be park. Tubbo hopped off the motorcycle and chained it to a pole. 

The alley was crowded was many people. Some racers, some not. He saw a stand selling exactly what he needed and bought the tools. Tubbo thanked the store owner and walked out. Walking outside, he spotted a small diner he liked. He went in and sat at a booth. Soon, a waitress came by and he ordered a honey and vanilla milkshake. The waitress walked off with the order and Tubbo was left alone with his thoughts. 

"I feel so guilty about not making it to the race." Tubbo thought as he looked outside the window. The club, Las Nevadas, owned by Quackity, his mom, looked really busy. He smiled lightly. The waitress soon came back with the milkshake. He thanked her and paid for the drink. Looking out the window again, he continued slurping on the drink. 

-The Next Day-

Ranboo woke up on the couch, a book laid on his stomach. They stood up and went upstairs to get ready for the day. He opened the door quietly to not wake Tubbo but to their surprise, Tubbo wasn't there. The bed looked the same it did the morning before. They shrugged it off and changed, still slightly annoyed that Tubbo missed their win. 

He walked to the garage and heard talking. "Thanks for letting us use the space to repaint my car Bee." Quackity said. "No problem Mama." Tubbo smiled. "Are we gonna paint it dark red and navy blue again?" Charlie asked, looking through the cabinet full of car paint and decals. Ranboo decided not to enter because Tubbo was busy. Maybe they could talk later.

They walked away to find out what Tommy was up to. "I am gonna be open today though so try to stay in that part of the garage." Tubbo pointed. "Got it." Quackity said. He put on music again. Then the song 'Sex Sells' came on by Wilbur's band, Lovejoy. Soon, Quackity, Tubbo, and Charlie, were singing the lyrics happily. 

"He's got such a hot voice holy fuck." Quackity swooned, Tubbo made a disgusted face. "Don't say that while I'm around dick wad." He said. Quackity rolled his eyes. "How much is this gonna cost?" Charlie asked, just as they started painting. "Free. Pog mom's get discounts." Tubbo joked. "I'm going to pay you 300 dollars Tubs. I'm not gonna leave without paying." Quackity countered. 

For the next hour or so, the three sang to songs, talked, and joked around together. Then, a car, orange with fire decals on it rolled into the garage. Sapnap and Karl got out. "Hey, sorry to be bothering you again but my car is short circuiting a bit and-" Sapnap stopped when he looked to the corner. Quackity was death staring the two. 

Tubbo noticed this and turned towards Q. "Don't cause a fight." Tubbo mouthed to Quackity. He frowned at his son and looked at Charlie, bursting quietly into Spanish curses. "I'll take a look. What is it doing exactly?" Tubbo looked at the car. "It randomly stops sometimes, it was slower than usual. Stuff like that." Sapnap says, still looking at Quackity. 

"Okay. Wait for a bit." He said, getting to work. In the corner, Quackity was tuning out everything with the music. The song 'The Fall' started playing. "Thank god for his goddamn voice." Q said to Charlie. " I remember when he had a gig and you went on stage and sang it with him." Charlie laughed. Quackity smiled at the memory and the two sang the song together. Sapnap and Karl were whispering with each other and looking at Quackity every few seconds.

Tubbo went over to the corner with Quackity and Charlie to get a wrench when the best part of the song starts playing. "So come on one and all and see the apathy!" Charlie and Quackity sang loudly, big smiles spread across their faces. "The reems of grey stencils that fill the tapestry!" Tubbo sang, grabbing the wrench and going back to fixing Sapnap's car. 

"Get into it T-dubs!" Charlie yelled. The three sang the rest of the song, Sapnap and Karl just kept to themselves again. "TUBBO UNDERSCORE FALLOW!" Tommy yelled, running into the garage. "Wassup boss man?" Tubbo said. "I just had a pog champ idea!" He grinned. "And what would that be?" He asked. "I should paint the discs on my car!" Tommy said proudly. 

"If you want to do it, your car's over there," Tubbo pointed in front of Quackity's car where the red and white car was parked. "Charlie can show you where the paint is." Tubbo said. "Thanks big man." Tommy went over to Charlie and he helped Tommy pick out the colors. "Okay. I finished the car." Tubbo said to Sapnap and Karl. "Thanks Tubbo." He said.

"Any time. Also, this will cost ya 100 dollars." He said to Sapnap. He handed him the money and took one last glance at Quackity, and Sapnap and Karl drove off. "I'm gonna be so busy this month if Sam is really gone." he whined and lay on the ground. "Atleast your getting cash." Quackity smiled. "True." 


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