New Hair

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OC x Eddie

Long Brown Hair. That's all I've ever known. My whole life everyone has gushed over my hair. They love the natural curls, the thick volume, the length. Everyone loves it.

I hate it. Despise it even. Sure I've cut it before, but never past my shoulder blades. "If you cut your hair short it will make you look fat." My mom used to tell me.

Eddie also loves my hair. He likes running a brush through it after I take a shower the nights I spend with him. He likes trying to make braids with it. Key word trying.

But I can't take it anymore. I hate everything about it. The length, the color, the thickness. I'm miserable.

That's what put me in the situation I'm in now. Standing in my bathroom mirror at 3:00 in the morning with a pair of kitchen scissors in my hand and a bottle of hair dye on the counter.

Without a second thought I make a cut. And I keep on cutting at my hair until it so short it doesn't even touch my shoulders anymore. The curls make it stick out and honestly, it looks a lot like Gareth's hair.

I keep on. I decide to give myself some bangs. My mom always thought I'd look ugly with them. So let's find out.

Once I'm done I sit the scissors down and look at my hair. "Metal." I whisper only to myself. I pick up the hair dye and read over the instructions quickly before opening it up and pouring the red dye onto my hair.

25 minutes later and I'm rinsing the dye out. I can tell it already looks cool. Now I just need to pick out a wicked outfit to wear. 'New hair new me' right?

I decide on a pair of shorts with fishnets underneath. My combat boots, bracelets and rings, my necklace, and my Mötley Crüe shirt. Paired with my leather jacket.

I just hope Eddie likes my hair. I could care less about what my mom or anyone else thinks.

By the time I get everything done it's already 4:30. At this point I might as well pull an all nighter and try and attempt some makeup.

2 hours go by and I'm already dressed and ready for school. I can hear my mom down in the kitchen making some breakfast for me and my brother.

I let out a shakey sigh preparing for the screaming she's sure to do when she sees me.

I grab my skateboard and back pack and head downstairs. I decide to skate to school so I can surprise Eddie with my hair.

"What did you do!" My mom yells as soon as she sees me. "You like it?" I ask. "I think it suits you." My younger brother says. "Thank you!" My mom lets out a long sigh and places some food on the table.

"I think it looks good on you." She says quietly and walks out of the kitchen.

I'm standing by my locker waiting for the metal head to show up. Gareth, Dustin, Lucas, and some random kid from my history class have stopped me to complement me.

"Holy shit" i hear someone whisper. I look up and see Eddie staring at me.

"Hey Eds!" I say. Eddie slowly walks up to me and puts his hands on my waist. "Sweetheart. You look wickedly hot." He says.

"Do you like it Eddie?" I ask. "Do I like it? Baby I think it looks wicked. You definitely pull off the short hair. And the color? Jeez! I did not think I was this into red heads." He says kissing me.

"So your not mad I cut it?" I ask. "Why would I be mad?" He tilts his head questioningly. "Well it's just. I know you really liked the way it was before." I say.

"Sweetheart. I'll like your hair no matter what you decided to do with it. It's your hair and I want you to do with it what makes you happiest." I smile up at the man and kiss his quickly. "Thank you Eds."

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