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Based on when I had to leave my job bc I thought I was going to pass out.
(For backstory I help out backstage at our public theater sometimes)

Breathe. Your here. Your okay. Focus on something. Look around and find something Interesting. I think I'm going to throw up. Breathe. Your okay. Is that light shaking? Oh shit It is. Look at something else. I'm dizzy. I need someone to talk to. I need Eddie. Where's Eddie?

Without thinking I leave Aren by herself and take off through the door, into the hallway, and out into the open area where the actors are.

"Are you okay?" Shane, one of the actors, asks me. I shake my head no. "Do you know where Eddie's sitting?" I ask, voice coming out shakily. He shakes his head no.

"I'm already in costume for my next scene so I can't go out there. Intermission will start soon." He says. I nod my head and start tapping my figures together, trying to keep a beat that I can focus on.

"What's your favorite color?" Shane asks. "What?" "What's your favorite color?" He asks again. I tell him.

"I really like green." He says, trying to keep the conversation going. Soon I see all the actors enter the backstage at once and I know intermission has started.

"Go" Shane says, gesturing towards the doors that lead into the house. I nod my head and run out into the crowed frantically searching for the curly headed man.

It doesn't take me long to find him sitting in the back playing with his rings.

I quickly rush over to him and frantically tap his shoulder. He immediately looks up at me and smiles when he sees me. His smile drops when he realizes I'm shaking.

"Sweetheart." He says as he quickly stands up and grabs my hands, leading me to a more secluded area.

"What's going on love?" He asks me. "I don't- I don't know. Can you please just come stay with me and talk to me? I don't care what we talk about I just need to talk to you." I say. He nods his head quickly. "Yeah of course. Lead the way."

I take Eddie into the hallway the actors get dressed in and we sit in the floor hidden by a shelf. And we talk. We talk about anything we can think to talk about for the next hour until the play ends.

By the time I'm free to go home I'm feeling slightly better. Still anxious, but better.

I see Aren walk by to leave and I quickly stop her, apologizing profusely for leaving her alone and explaining my I did it. She's understanding and just tells me to go home and get some rest.

Eddie and I leave the theater and Eddie decides to stop at the dinner for burgers. "I'm not hungry." I say as Eddie starts to get out of the van. "Cmon sweetheart. I know you. You need to eat something after an episode. You always get really nauseous when your anxious."

Eddie gets out and opens my door for me, leading me into the dinner. "Thank you" I whisper as we take our seats. "I'll always take care of my sweetheart." He says and he orders me my favorite comfort food.

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