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I have bad anxiety and get overstimulated very easily and headphones with music help me out a lot.

Eddie keeps a Walkman on him at all times with your favorite cassette in it for you just incase.

Everything started out fine. You decided to hang out with your friends today. You, Eddie, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle were all hanging out in Nancy's basement.

Everyone had their own little conversations going as the end credits of the movie you guys watched rolled on.

Jonathan and Argyle were in their own little worlds high off palm tree delight.

Robin was excitedly telling Nancy something, flailing her arms around as she talked.

Steve and Eddie were talking about the kids.

You were sitting beside Eddie listening to all the conversations happening at once. You couldn't focus on one thing.

You started tapping your figures together, picking at your lips, messing with your necklace. Anything repetitive enough for you to put your focus on.

Eddie noticed. Of course he noticed. He was the one person who loved you enough to pick up on these small habits of yours. He knew you better than anyone ever had.

Eddie reached over and grabbed his lunch box. He opened it up and pulled out a Walkman, starting the music and placing the headphones over your ears.

Once the beat of your favorite song started playing you instantly felt calmed, more grounded.

Eddie was already back into his conversation with Steve, but you noticed he had moved slightly closer to you and rested his hand on your thigh, offering his hand for you to play with. Which you gladly accepted.

V short but I've literally spent the last two days reading Eddie fics on Tumblr and I really wanted to write smth lol

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