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I finally got my license (I'm 19) and I want someone to be proud of me lol

Finally. After all these years I worked up enough courage to take my driving test. And I'm scared shitless.

I'm currently sitting in the parking lot of the dmv waiting for the instructor to come out.

I didn't tell anyone I was coming to take the test. I wanted in to be a surprise.

Finally after what feels like forever, the instructor comes out. First she examines the outside of my car. (Technically it's my dad's car) Finally she gets into the passenger seat and buckles up.

I take off in the direction the instructor tells me too. We make the block and finally I pull back into the parking lot. I switch off the car and hold. My breath. The instructor jots down a couple things before turning to me and smiling.

"You passed." She says, causing to let out the breath I was holding. "I passed." I whisper.

The lady chuckles lightly before unbuckling and opening her door. "Yep. Now let's go print you off that license."

It's takes about ten minutes for the lady to check all my information and print off my temporary license.

Once I leave the building I hop back in my car and take off towards the school.

It Friday, which means Eddie has Hellfire today. Luckily I scheduled my test so I would have enough time to make it to hellfire, and surprise Eddie with my license.

I pull up to the school a little later than what I was hoping for. Hellfire should already be started. I get out of the car and make a run for it to the theater room.

I reach the door and I can hear everyone talking "shit." I whisper as I try and catch my breath a little. I slowly open the door and everyone turns to look at me.

"You're late" Dustin whispers from his seat. "Really? I hadn't noticed." I whisper sarcastically back.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up." Eddie says from his throne. "The princess of hellfire, is late. You better have a pretty damn good excuse." He continues, leaning onto the table to look at me.

"I do actually." I say as I pull out the paper license and toss it towards the dungeon master. Eddie picks it up and examines it for what feels like 20 minutes before looking up and staring at me.

"You got your license?" He questions quietly. I eagerly nod my head yes. Eddie stands up and makes his way to me. "My baby finally got her license!" He yells as he pulls me into a hug, picking me up and spinning us around. Everyone around us cheers.

"I'm so fucking proud of you baby" he whispers with his forehead pressed against mine.

The cheering calms down and Gareth speaks up "three cheers for the princess of hellfire!" I can't help but laugh as everyone, including Eddie, very theatrically cheers for me. I take a bow in front of everyone and they all clap.

"I think this deserves a celebration." Eddie says. Everyone agrees. "Why don't we postpone today's meeting and all go back to my place and eat pizza and watch some movies?" Eddie asks. Everyone cheers again and so we all pack up and head to the parking lot. Eddie's arm never leaves from around my waist until we reach my car. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart." He whispers into my ear before kissing me. "Thank you Eds."

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