Guitar pick

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Eddie didn't have very much experience with celebrating birthdays. As much as his uncle loved him, he just never had the time or money to spend on a birthday party.

Eddie would always get a gift from Wayne. Whether it be a small guitar picked he found for cheap, or something bigger that he had been secretly saving up for.

Eddie loved you very much, but just like his uncle, he didn't have the money to spare on expensive birthday gifts and a cake and everything.

Lucky for him, you had great friends that were super excited to help him plan a birthday party for you and to help out with cake, food, and decorations.

Unlucky for him however, he had no fucking clue what to get you. Nor did he have very much money at the moment.

The days leading up to your surprise birthday party were stressful for Eddie. He spent day and night racking his brain trying to think of the perfect gift to give you.

Finally the day of your party arrived. Eddie told you to wear your favorite outfit, since it's your birthday you should feel special right?

He said he needed to go over to Steve house to grab something so the two of you went over.

Once there Eddie asks you to come in with him. He knocks on the door three times and it swings open wildly to reveal all of your friends waiting for you.

"Surprise!" They all yell in unison.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." Eddie smiles at you.

You hug Eddie tight and make your way inside to your friends.

You spend a couple hours goofing off. Playing bored games, eating food, talking, eating more food.

Finally it's time to open your presents.

Each of your friends takes turns giving you their gift and each one is better than the next.

You opened all the presents around you and then noticed Eddie nervously fiddling with a box in his hand.

"I had no fucking idea what to get you sweetheart. I'm also kinda low on cash right now, so I really hope you like this." He says, hanging you the small box.

"I'll love anything you give me Ed's." You reassure him.

You excitedly open up the little box and gasp. You pull out a silver chain with a guitar pick on it. A matching guitar pick to the one Eddie is wearing to be exact.

"I thought we could match." He says.

You smile the biggest smile Eddie thinks he's ever seen and jump up to hug him. Wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.

"I love it so much Eddie." You say into the crook of his neck. Eddie laughs and you can feel the vibrations of his laugh through your whole body.

"I'm so glad baby." He kisses your forehead.

"Help me put it on?" You ask, handing him the pick and turning around so he can clasp it.

"Thank you so much Eddie." You say. "You're so very welcome."

"You guys are grossly cute." Robin says making the two of you laugh

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