Harry Potter AU headcannons

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Okay before we get started first off: this man is a gryffindor and you can't tell me otherwise. He would do absolutely anything for his friends including diving head first into Mordor.

He would have the whole common room (or at least a good amount of them) in a campaign and you know he would hold campaigns in the great hall for other houses and the professors would secretly watch interested.

Fred and George would lose their shit for this man. Eddie would get up on the table in the great hall and cuss out a Slytherin for being mean to any of his friends. And he would always be down to prank with them.

He's not a muggle born. His mom was a Hufflepuff.

He definitely held concerts in the courtyard until Professor McGonagall made him stop. Luckily for him  the room of requirements likes his music and so that's his new concert spot.

Instead of using wizard language like "Merlin's beard" etc. he uses band members and tells the pure bloods they're muggle gods. "Oh my Ozzy." "For the love of Kirk Hammett" things like that. Not many muggle born's/ half bloods know who those people are, but the ones that do just go along with it.

He definitely makes a dnd campaign based around Voldemort and his death eaters.

^^ Harry plays in that campaign and dies because he rolled bad.

He taught McGonagall how to play dnd one day in detention. And now sometimes she gives him "detention" just so they can have tea and discuss characters/ his campaigns

He never wears his robes properly. He always looks like he threw his uniform on at the last second. Which he probably did.

He's surprisingly good with herbology.


McGonagall taught a few of the other teachers how to play dnd and she holds her own campaigns where she's the DM. sometimes she invites Eddie to join.

^Dumbledore is her top player

Snaps REFUSES to learn how to play dnd.

^^Snape very badly wants to play.

Draco really wants to play dnd but he refuses to let Eddie teach him so he attempts to hold his own campaigns with Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy. It fails miserably.

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