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You over hear some of hellfire talking about you.

It was lunch time. I  go through the line and get my tray, grabbing a few extra fries since I know Eddie will be stealing them from me.

Once I  pay for my food I  start making my way towards the hellfire table. Mike, Dustin, Gareth, and Jeff are already there.

"Dude I know right! I mean my first two years of high school I didn't even think they could talk and now they won't shut up! It's so annoying! I mean how does that even happen?" Gareth exclaims loudly.

"Yeah, yeah! Nancy said she used to think they were mute until they started hanging out with Eddie." Mike says.

They were talking about me. They think I'm annoying.
My freshman year I didn't have a single friend coming into high school. So I never talked to anyone, too afraid to try and make any new friends. It seemed everyone already had a clique except for me.

And then one day, sophomore year, when I was hiding in the library during lunch, Eddie Munson sat down beside me. He started talking about the book I was reading.

He went on and on about the characters in the story, quoting some of his favorite lines. He didn't make me feel bad for not responding to what he was saying. He just kept on. And then he kept coming to the library during lunch and sitting with me. Talking about books, movies, music, whatever just happened to interest him in that moment.

After a while he pretty much became my best friend. I accidentally let slip one day I knew how to play d&d and it was over after that. He immediately asked me to join his campaign and meet his friends. Slowly I thought his friends became my friends. And suddenly I wasn't scared to talk around this small group.

But now I know they wish I never started talking to them. I walk up to the table and everyone goes silent for a moment. Dustin quickly covering up that they were talking about me. They knew I overheard them.

"Hey y/n!" Dustin greets as I set my tray down. I nod in his direction and sit down, pulling my notebook and a pencil out of my bad. Might as well get an early start on my homework.

"Whatcha working on?" Dustin asks from beside me. I ignore him and start writing. Nobody says anything else to me. Slowly starting up a quiet conversation amongst themselves. Probably about Eddie's campaign.

"Greetings and Salutations my sheep." As if on cue Eddie plops down in the seat beside me, loudly setting his metal lunchbox on the table.

Everyone greets him quickly and continues with their conversation. I can see Eddie reach over and grab some of my fries out of the corner of my eye.

"What are you working on sweetheart? You do realize it's lunchtime right?" Eddie asks. I silently nod my head and continue writing. Suddenly this English essay is the most interesting thing I've ever seen.

*third person*

Eddie knew something was up. This wasn't like y/n. They were usually happy to see him, ready to talk about how much they hated their classes.

But now they were silent, acting just like they did before Eddie sat down at that table in the library.

Eddie didn't push though. Instead he let them be and joined in the conversation with his friends.

A few minutes passed by before Eddie felt someone tugging the sleeve of his jacket. He looked over to see y/n trying to grab his attention.

"What's up sweetheart?" He asks quietly. Y/n looks between him and their notebook. "It's loud in here." They whisper. "I'm gonna go to the library. Try and find this one book I need to finish this work." They say.

Eddie Munson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now