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Currently sitting alone outside in the heat waiting to watch fireworks

"Come on Eddie! Please? It'll be fun!" I say and I dramatically fall into my boyfriends lap. He chuckles and shakes his head. 

"Yes sweetheart. Because sitting outside in the heat, surrounded by the all the people who hate me, sounds super fun." He sarcastically said.

Our town holds a fire works show in the park every year. Everyone goes. Well, Except for Eddie.

I roll my eyes. "Look. I'm going with my mom to take my little brother. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas I know for a fact are going to be there with Mike and Lucas' sisters. There's going to be free food, and you and me can sit on a picnic blanket together and watch the fireworks." I give my best puppy dog eyes to the man above me and he sighs.

"Alright fine. I'll go." He sighs, smiling down at me.

"Yes!" I fist pump the air and Eddie laughs at me. "We will be at the park by 6:30. And then-" Eddie cuts me off.

"Woah, woah, woah. 6:30? The sun doesn't even start to set until 8!" Eddie yells. I just roll my eyes in response.

"We're going early so we can get a good spot and so Zayne can play with the other kids for a while. You don't. Have to get there that early. But I'll be there." I explain. Eddie sighs and kisses my lips.

<time skip to at the park>

"There." I say as I finish setting up the blanket. Mom went to get food, and Zayne is playing on the play set. The sun is still out and beaming but it's not too bad. It's kinda cloudy and there's a nice breeze going.

I look around and all the people already here. Everyone's wearing their red, white, and blue. Kids are running around screaming and playing, and the even have love music. Some small family band from a couple towns over.

I pull out my book and start reading some. I don't get but a couple chapters in when I feel someone sit down beside me.

"I can't believe you convinced me to come to this thing." I hear the unmistakable voice of Eddie Munson say from beside me. I laugh and set my book down, but before I can speak Zayne runs up.

"Eddie! You came!" I hear the little voice of my four year old brother yell. "Of course I did little man! I told you sister in would." Zayne jumps into Eddie's lap and Eddie tickles him before the toddler gets distracted and runs off again. I can't help but smile every time I see how much Eddie cares about Zayne. And how good he is with kids.

I reach over and interlock my fingers with Eddie's. He starts going on and on about his new dnd campaign and how proud of it he is. After a while we see our freshman's and they come over to sit by us. Even Max decided to come out.

Steve and Robin came a little while later and sat by us too.

We all sat talking about any and everything. The boys kept going back for food that we pretty much had a five course meal around us. Zayne would come stop by every once in a while to get a drink. It was really nice.

As the night went in and it got darker and darker outside, someone went around passing our glow sticks to everyone.

I couldn't help but feel like I was in a movie. It wasn't long until all the lights around us started going off and it got quiet. Then an explosion was heard and colors lit up the night sky.

Zayne came running when he heard the explosion and sat in my lap. I was leaning on Eddie as we looked up and watched the fire works.

I could hear the kids close to us gasp in awe at the array of colors.

"Thank you for coming with me." I whisper to Eddie.

Eddie wraps is arms around my waist and pulls my tightly too him, kissing the top of my head.

"Anything for you my love."

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