oo. prologue

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Belief was what powered the very existence of the divine prowess of the mystical folk, the source of the graceful sparks that could be seen scattered splendidly around their hands. It was the foundation to their natural connection to a pesky little thing called magic.

It was the belief that people had regarding the word that allowed history to be shaped by the use of literature speaking particularly about it. It was what started the vast sea of stories about the most dreamiest piece of fantasy an author could create, and explain a universe unknown and new that enraptured the attention of the individuals starved of living in a world far from their own. Belief was the cause of having pretty little maidens like Cinderella to be blessed by her magical Godmother to grace the ball and infatuate the prince, courtesy however to her having a true benevolent heart. And it was also belief that made Peter Pan fly from the ground to Neverland and soar across the skies with boundless heights and be one with the wind in freedom and in control, just because of his faith and his trust.

But belief was a son of a bitch.

It was an insolent word that offended the person of Ilyarra Petrov.

Because contrary to the amount of quotes she had seen floating around everywhere which spoke about how high and mighty it was, belief became confusing to her. Especially to the fae blood inside her.

She was no Tinker Bell who could just sprinkle pixie dust on herself and flutter around her wings with soft little giggles. She was no fairy aunt who could bless an innocent child with grace and beauty or any endearing gift anyone could ever give. Nor was she a Fairy Godmother that could just wave a dazzling stick called a wand and allow an unearthly spark of gold to wisp around ordinary objects and make them unordinary.

Everything was suddenly plain bullshit to her.

Or maybe she just couldn't see past the raging storm of her befuddlement to actually gaze upon the potential that rested inside her warm soul. Maybe she was blinded by how much she thought the world had it out for her and just decided to label her the living embodiment of a walking misfortune.

Trample over nothing but air? You got it. Almost get struck by lightning everytime it rained? You bet! Make an embarrassment of yourself in front of the person you've been pining over since you were young? She was the perfect package.

Perhaps she was just too perfect of a package for Eli Hale to handle.

By his words, he already had much on his plate. His mother wasn't present. His uncle was a moronic maniac who's killed a bunch of people. The place he lived in was an absolute shithole and a beaming beacon for chaos and death. He had an unhealthy obsession with a certain coughing blue jeep. And let's not forget how he dramatically has to deny how he wasn't a werewolf and how he was miraculously skipped by the impending doom brought on by being a hairy fanged beast with glowing eyes and contorted features.

Yet by some insanely ridiculous fate, the sight of chipped pastry continued to stack itself on the plate of his problems as if it wasn't cramped enough already. It was cookie here and here and here and cookie there. Those very irritating doe and chocolate shade which enveloped the entirety of his burdens seemingly became annoying savages that invaded the grounds of his mind and tainted his world with those infuriating sweet scent he always got a waft of coming from the house next to his own. The very home of the same devil that brought girl scouts to shame by how much cookies she could singlehandedly make in an hour.

Eli Hale marked the day that the tiny rascal arrived at his doorstep with her tray full of cookies as the day that unraveled all the booming frustrations in his life.

He had belief that she was a nuisance which he needed to get rid of in order to claim his much awaited peace of mind.

And she had belief that he was her salvation from the endless pit of confusion that she unknowingly dug herself into.

Belief truly was a sick bastard.

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