viii. be careful what you wish for

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THERE WAS SOMETHING unsettling about the day

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THERE WAS SOMETHING unsettling about the day. Despite how there had been no rain that pelted on the gravelly pavements nor any signs of dreariness to the weather, there was just something sinister that peeked through the innocent facade of the bright and sunny day.

Eli Hale was bored out of his mind in school, feet tapping anxiously at the floor. If staring at something for a long time would cause it to melt, then the clock on the wall would have had dripped in molten anger as the boy dared not take his eyes off of it.

Though perhaps that wouldn't be a good idea.

Because he would have also had his own head gone before half of the class could go by due to the familiar set of eyes looking at him as if he was the one who hung the stars in the sky.

Ilyarra Petrov was never one for subtlety when it came to showcasing her unhealthy obsession with him.

So when the bell finally rang, he dashed as fast as his legs could and ran to his locker to stash away his unnecessary belongings. There was a loud bang as he closed the steel door shut, ignoring the annoyed looks he was receiving from the nearby students. He next walked up to a chattering group by the side, listening intently to their topic as to not get left out.

Maybe Eli never really learned from his mistakes just yet. Or maybe he's just too much of a coward to just leave them and become a possible target for their torment.

Yow,” Frank all but threw his arms around his shoulders. “You ready for the game tomorrow?”

There was a flash of mock in his tone that Eli didn't catch. Even as the group giggled at Frank's obvious attempt to rouse the topic of his failure in lacrosse, he innocently waved it off in ignorance.

“Ready to be benched, that is.” a male erased all hints of vaguity, no playfulness clear in his words, only pure ridicule.

“Well at least he still gets to hold his stick.”

“Yeah, and play fetch with it,” Veronica smirked. “You do look like a kicked puppy.”

Eli shifted in discouragement.

“That's enough,” Casey airily silenced their remarks. Though she was thoroughly amused at the bullying, she needed the boy to continue boiling a certain lioness' blood. And also because he was admittedly a pretty boy. “We were just talking about our plans for after the game.”


“Don't speak when I'm talking, Ver.”

“But . . ,” the peppy blonde pouted. “Are you sure?”

The mentioned girl sent a pointed look towards Veronica, “Of course! Eli's part of us now,” she inwardly grimaced, blinking merrily at him. “Party at my place tomorrow night. It's far from here so be sure to fix yourself a ride there. You do know where I live, right?”

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