iv. as guilt hinders your sleep

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HE WAS SUFFERING. Eli Hale has been suffering ever since he was little and he was too frustrated with everything happening in his life that he momentarily lost sight of his own conscience.

One could say he had a bad week.

But then he actually would admit that it went worse than bad.

It was a quiet monday morning, him doing his usual ritual - which was to rush with getting ready the moment he wakes with the first buzz of his alarm clock so that he could avoid something he liked to call as an early visit from the devil's incarnate.

As he pulled the last sleeve of his favorite black and white flannel, he felt extreme pride at himself and grinned as he failed to catch any ringing on their doorbell. He skipped on his steps as he exited his quarters, slowly but surely feeling his mood drop as he entered the dining room.

The dining room where a certain rascal was seen laughing merrily with his very father who had, you guessed it, cookies held in his hands.

"Just in time, Eli." Derek spoke as their oven made a ding, making the aforementioned male groan in disbelief.

The devil worked fast but Ilyarra's cookies surely baked faster.

And so there he was, kicking pebbles with his shoes as he muted out the insane rambles of the girl walking beside him. The only thing he could hear were all the mocks and teases of their peers during middle school as the lion of a faerie tailed after him like a lost puppy. For sure the moment they'd step foot in school, all those sickening words wouldn't be far to reach his ears. It was getting truthfully exhausting.

If only he could do something to get rid of her.

Then an idea struck.

Followed by a list of things that could help him along the way.

Eli Hale didn't wait too long to perform his plan. He was direct in his actions, rushing towards the table in the middle as he picked up his tray from the cafeteria. The faces of those sitting there went ignored by him as he mentally sighed in content as he gazed at the furrowed expression that Ilyarra Petrov was wearing.

Because just like any other teenage cliche out there, sitting in the middle table were none other then the jocks and the chicks, the combo of the campus popular. He got away as he just sat there, finally finding something to be thankful of when it came to his undecided close pal: Frank Smith, who was surprisingly also part of the star circle.

And to make everything even better, sitting in front of him was someone who could make Ilyarra's blood boil. Casey Williams. Her worst enemy, her archnemesis, the nightmare to her cloud of ignorance, and the very person who started the rumor about her eating some poor butterfly.

This went on for four days.

He would successfully run away from her in the morning, he'd stick close to the people who infuriated her, and by some stroke of pure luck, he actually intrigued The Casey Williams which resulted in a somewhat flattering moment.

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