vi. both weapon and warning, she bears

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THE FAE FOLK are said to be quite mischievous in true nature

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THE FAE FOLK are said to be quite mischievous in true nature. They had the knack to make fun out of most things and entertain themselves through the frowns of others. Some would say that they've heard tiny giggles that flew by their ears before chaos ensued, before some of their belongings would go missing and suddenly end up some place strange like strung to their ceiling and whatnot.

As fae, they came from various associations of nature. One would come from mushrooms, or flowers, or even animals. Ilyarra's father was born in connection to the ocean, a mystical creature that became his reason of being mostly shirtless. He needed the freedom to breathe while staying above his natural habitat. His wife was carved from a divine element, blown by the wind as a daffodil that danced to a melody of grace. Their romance bloomed under the sun as the flower of her being landed on shore where the gentle waves caressed her beauty.

But Ilyarra was a special kind.

She was conceived with the affections of the skies, sending dust to tickle the beams and send magic to trickle inside her bones with purity and dreams. Unlike her parents, she was not born from a flower or an animal, she was another chosen faerie to hold a power that came only once in a blue moon. It was the same type that awoken famous faeries that had the ability to grant wishes to those with destined souls.

Good morning.” a voice greeted.

Ilyarra looked up from her seat, seeing the same woman that greeted her whenever she was here.

“They're ready for you.” she said, smiling as she guided the girl to their destination.

They reached the door to a room which she entered, gazing at the people who were sat steadily on a huge table in the middle. All had serious expression to their faces, professional in their actions like those with authority. But by the left, her eyes spotted a person, the only one who had a goofy grin on his lips as he giddily waved at her and earned looks from his companions.

Ilyarra smiled back.

Then she tripped.

The male was quick to stand from his own chair, rushing to her position in attempts of helping - only to also stumble and fall.

Now there were two people on the floor. Both giggling at each other.

“Hey there, tinker bell.” he grinned.

The two of them composed themselves and stood up, ignoring the steady gazes they were receiving.

“Good to see you too, Mieczyslaw.”

Not later after Stiles Stilinski led her to her seat, the meeting finally begun. Both of them had gone through this so many times now that Ilyarra no longer felt any sense of nervousness as she spoke up front.

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