ix. oh the joys of underage rebellion

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ILYARRA FROWNED SADLY as Eli Hale got dragged to Derek's truck, watching their vehicle pass by and sent a tiny wave which she hoped would help their situation

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ILYARRA FROWNED SADLY as Eli Hale got dragged to Derek's truck, watching their vehicle pass by and sent a tiny wave which she hoped would help their situation. She was certain it provided none, seeing as the two parties had expressions akin to those who wanted to explode in anger with just a slight nudge.

"Sunny day today?" a deep voice mumbled. "It will rain soon? Is that how kids flirt with each other these days?"

Ilyarra turned to face Jordan Parrish, the owner of the bewildered tone.


"What? Is mother nature also a hidden term you kids use? Are you telling him something very secretly?"

"Mother nature isn't a term. And she's not hidden, she's everywhere."

Jordan stared at her. "So . . . a word?"

"No, a name." she corrected. "But isn't a name a word?"

"Yes, it is. But a name of who? A weather forecaster?"

"I don't know? Is there someone out there using that name? From which channel? I'd like to know her!"

"No, I was asking you. You're the one who mentioned how mother nature predicted a rain."

"I did?" Ilyarra puzzled. "Why did she predict it? She must be a psychic! From which carnival?"

"Why are we talking about psychics? Don't they just use some sort of technology to know the weather?"

Noah Stilinski sighed and ran a palm over his face. The two were admittedly smart individuals. But whenever both of them appeared in the other's presence, it seems they just lose some portion of their brain cells and talk like a bunch of lunatics.

"In the carnival?" Ilyarra questioned in curiosity.

"What carnival?"

"They use technology in the carnival? I thought it was pure magic."

"No, Illy. They're all hoax," Jordan presented. "They use cheap tricks and make it all seem real."

"Why don't they use expensive ones then, maybe that'll help."

"What's expensive?"

"The tricks?" the faerie was now also confused, the two of them mirroring an eyebrow furrow with their foreheads creased.

Noah quickly cleared his throat before another word could come out of their mouths. If he hadn't, he was sure the conversation would just continue on with not a single topic being touched for more than a few seconds.

"Parrish, stop mentally harassing the kid and just bring that Jeep back to where it belongs." he ordered, ignoring the offended gape from the male, turning to the girl. "And you, we're heading to the station. Didn't you have something important to say?"

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